
Monitoring the Mental Health Act in 2023/24

13 March 2025

This report sets out CQC’s activity and findings from our engagement with people who are subject to the Mental Health Act 1983 (MHA) as well as a review of services registered to assess, treat and care for people detained using the MHA.

Recent publications

Our annual report on health care and adult social care in England

A newborn baby.

This report presents the findings from our recent national maternity inspection programme.

This review by Professor Sir Mike Richards was commissioned by our board. It looks at changes we made following the publication of our new strategy in 2021 and their impact.

Types of publication

CQC publications

We publish regular reports on care in England as well as our corporate activities.

person writing on a piece of paper

We collect feedback on the experiences of people using NHS services.

Hospital staff walking through corridor

These projects focus on areas such as types of care, particular groups of people or care pathways.

Older woman viewing something on a mobile phone

Findings of reports about us or research we've commissioned.