Technology in health and care services is growing in importance. Digitally-enabled care can offer significant benefits to people who use services and those who run and deliver them.
These case studies illustrate some of the developments in use and testing.
We have seen or been told about these examples of innovation in the course of our work. We share them to raise awareness and to encourage health and care services to improve.
Some use technology to do things differently and more efficiently. For example sharing care records. Others use technological innovation so people can self-monitor and take more control over their own care. Examples are apps for smart phones and tablets.
These case studies show what is possible. People can consider whether similar approaches could benefit other services.
We will use them to help consider what evidence we need to see to:
- be sure services are safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led
- improve outcomes for people
One of our strategic priorities is to encourage innovation, as we know it can drive improvements in the quality of care. We are determined that regulation does not stand in the way of digital developments. Yet using technology and innovation must never come at the expense of high-quality, person-centered care.
About these case studies
We do not endorse any particular product, supplier or service included in the case studies.
We assess the quality of care, including against our fundamental standards. Using technology as described in these case studies may help improve the quality of care. But it will not guarantee this.
The content of these case studies is subject to our website terms and conditions.
We present these case studies as a basis for discussion. They represent a small cross-section of the many innovations being put into practice. We have commented on the technology mentioned in some reports, other cases may not have featured in inspections yet.
Who should read these case studies
- providers of health and care services - learn from the examples presented and contribute to discussion about CQC’s approach to use of innovative technology
- CQC Inspectors - help inspectors understand how they can assess the use of technology as part of inspections
- provider representatives/ professional bodies - engage in discussions about the way we support technological innovation and how we should consider it when inspecting
- the public and people who use services – help us ensure you are always at the centre of technology-driven care
Automated triage technology
Find out more
How we assess the quality of technology-enabled care
Blog: Driving improvement through technology
News story: Technology in care – we shine light on the importance of innovation in new resource
Snippet for Driving improvement report pages
Driving improvement reports
Driving improvement through technology
Driving improvement: Case studies from NHS trusts
Driving improvement: Case studies from mental health trusts
Driving improvement: Case studies from adult social care services
Driving improvement: Case studies from GP practices
Driving improvement: Case studies from independent hospitals
Driving improvement: Individuals who have made a difference