Maternity improvement resource

Published: 19 September 2024 Page last updated: 19 September 2024



Introduction to triage

Preview image for the video "Triage in NHS maternity services".

The following guide outlines what we expect staff to know about their service's triage and the key elements we want to see implemented.

We have drafted questions that we would likely ask in assessing services to help us determine whether the service meets the quality statements relevant to triage in our single assessment framework.

We have broken the questions down into different staff groups:

  • frontline staff
  • managers
  • board members
  • integrated care systems.

We would expect each staff group to be able to give comprehensive answers to the questions we have set out for them.

While not exhaustive and focused exclusively on the 4 theme areas of our resource, these guides aim to support staff at various levels in understanding what we consider to be the hallmarks of a good service. We recognise that models may differ between organisations based on population needs.

This resource aims to set out the general principles that we are looking for and is to be read in conjunction with other guidance such as the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists’ good practice paper.