Assessment framework
Safe environments
Quality statement
We expect providers, commissioners and system leaders live up to this statement:
We detect and control potential risks in the care environment. We make sure that the equipment, facilities and technology support the delivery of safe care.
What this quality statement means
- People are cared for in safe environments that are designed to meet their needs.
- Facilities, equipment and technology are well-maintained and consistently support staff to deliver safe and effective care.
- There are effective arrangements to monitor the safety and upkeep of the premises.
- Equipment used to deliver care and treatment is suitable for the intended purpose, stored securely and used properly.
- Leaders and staff consider how environments can keep people safe from psychological harm as well as physical harm, for example in relation to sexual safety and in relation to sensory needs.
I statements
I statements reflect what people have said matters to them.
- I feel safe and am supported to understand and manage any risks.
Subtopics this quality statement covers
- Premises (including gas, electrical and fire safety)
- Equipment
- Environmental risks (adverse weather such as heatwaves and flooding)
- Digital systems/technology assurance
Also consider
- Staff safety (e.g. risks in the homes of people who use services)
We expect providers to be aware of and follow the following best practice guidance.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) (Health and Safety Executive)
Slips and trips in health and social care (HSE)
Falls in older people: assessing risk and prevention (NICE Guidance [CG 161])
Managing medical devices (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency)
Medical Devices (NHS Confederation)
Maintaining portable electric equipment (HSE)
PAT - Portable appliable testing FAQs (HSE)
Moving and handling in health and social care (HSE)
Moving and handling equipment (HSE)
Falls from windows or balconies in health and social care (HSE)