- Independent hospital
SpaMedica Gloucester
Report from 25 July 2024 assessment
Ratings - Surgery
Our view of the service
Date of assessment 01 August to 12 September 2024. Spa Medica Gloucester provide a refractive eye service for people in Gloucestershire. We conducted an evidence-based, desk top assessment of the hospital due to receiving information of concern. We assessed 4 quality statements across responsive and well led key questions and have combined the scores for these areas with scores from the last inspection At this assessment we found there were systems to support staff and help them to raise concerns or provide comment to managers and executive leaders. Patient feedback was welcomed and reviewed by managers and staff. Processes supported an inclusive staff culture within the hospital but not all staff felt this was effective.
People's experience of this service
Patients were mainly positive about the quality of their care and treatment. The service made it easy for patients to provide feedback and staff helped people where they needed support with the process. Managers reviewed feedback and responded in a timely way to patients who were not happy with aspects of their care. Managers included actions they had taken in response to any complaint when they responded to patients.