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  • Care home

Ashmore Nursing Home

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Barningham Road, Stanton, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP31 2AD (01359) 251681

Provided and run by:
Ashmore Nursing Home Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 14 August 2024

This assessment was undertaken between 3 September 2024 and 14 October 2024. Ashmore Nursing Home is a nursing home providing accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care. It is registered for 36 people. At the time of our assessment there were 26 people living at the service. This inspection was undertaken to follow up on the outstanding breaches of regulation which were identified at our previous inspection. Whilst we found action had been taken to address some issues identified at our last inspection, we found 2 continued breaches of the legal regulations in relation to staffing and good governance. The service did not always provide sufficient staff to meet people’s needs or ensure that they could respond effectively in an event such as an emergency. Safety systems were not always given sufficient priority and changes implemented promptly. There was a quality assurance system, but it was not well developed and meant shortfalls in service provision had not been identified to ensure compliance with regulations and improve standards of care. The registered manager was responsive when concerns were raised and began to take action to address shortfalls identified during the assessment. This included the appointment of additional staff and redeployment of activity staff. Since the last inspection, some improvements had been made to the homes entrance and a new care planning and recording system introduced. Care plans were person centred and outlined people’s needs and preferences. There were systems in place to ensure vital information was shared with the necessary health professionals. Risk assessments were undertaken and equipment such as pressure relieving mattresses were in place to reduce the risk of injury. Staff competency and understanding was checked, and the registered manager supported staff to access learning to develop their skills and knowledge.

People's experience of the service

Updated 14 August 2024

During the assessment we spoke with 8 people living in the service and 14 relatives. People and relatives spoke fondly about individual staff and told us that they were caring and well-meaning. They told us that most staff were experienced and had sufficient skills and experience to support them competently. But they told us there was not enough of them, and this meant that they did not always receive the support they needed. They described having to wait significant periods for support with personal care and they did not always receive regular showers. There was a lack of meaningful activities, and they told us staff did not have the time to engage with them. People gave mixed feedback on the meals, some very positive but others less so. However, they commented on the lack of choice which confirmed what staff told us and what we also observed at our site visit. We observed some positive and caring interactions but saw that staff were very busy and focused on completing tasks. Some people were experiencing distress and low mood and there was a need for greater transition planning and support for them. The registered manager was known to most people in the service and their relatives. They told us that they were friendly and listened to their concerns and would, “try to rectify problems.”