- Care home
Maple Lodge
All Inspections
16 February 2022
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice
Family members spoke positively about how the service had managed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and how hard staff had worked to keep people safe. One family member told us, "I think they [Maple Lodge] have been marvellous. I don't know how they've done it. The home is always really clean. It smells clean. They [staff] can't do enough for you."
The home was visibly clean and hygienic. Housekeeping staff were knowledgeable about their role and provided detailed information about the tasks they completed.
Staff had received training in relation to infection prevention and control and were observed following current guidance in the use and disposal of PPE. Staff and people were supported to access regular COVID-19 testing and the provider had systems in place to ensure they followed current guidance in relation to COVID-19 vaccinations for staff and visiting professionals.
People were supported to maintain regular contact with family members through visits and other forms of communication. Systems were in place to prevent visitors from catching and spreading infections.