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  • Care home

Spring Tree Rest Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

433 Watling Street, Two Gates, Tamworth, Staffordshire, B77 1EL (01827) 251634

Provided and run by:
Dr Rais Ahmed Rajput

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 8 July 2024

The assessment began on 13 November and ended on 21 November 2024. We undertook the assessment as we had received some information about a high number of safeguarding concerns at the service. There was a positive culture across the service where people felt safe as staff knew how to recognise potential harm and abuse. People’s risks were managed well by staff who had been recruited in a safe way and had received relevant and appropriate training. Health and social care professionals were consulted where necessary to improve outcomes for people. There were processes in place to support good infection control and the home was clean and free from malodour. There was a relatively new management team in place who were described by people and staff as visible and approachable and who supported staff with their own professional development to ensure people received good, effective high quality care. However, there were some minor improvements required to the systems which supported safe medicine management.

People's experience of the service

Updated 8 July 2024

During the on-site inspection we spoke with 9 people who told us they were happy living at Spring Tree Rest Home. The comments we received included, “I am happy, the girls [staff] are all lovely”, “I am happy, they [staff] are kind to me, I don’t want to move” and “I like it, it is lovely, I wouldn’t change anything.” Relatives spoke positively about the care their relatives received and spoke highly of the staff team describing staff as ‘lovely’ and as ‘knowing their relative’s needs well’. People and their relatives told us the management team were always visible and responsive to requests and feedback. One person said, “I know who the manager is and they often pop their head around the door to say hello.” Another person said, “I know who to speak with if I have any problems, but I haven’t ever needed to.”