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  • Care home

The Limes

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Alcester Road, Stratford Upon Avon, Warwickshire, CV37 6PH (01789) 267076

Provided and run by:
WCS Care Group Limited

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 2 January 2025

Date of assessment : 27 January 2025 to 30 January 2025. The Limes is a residential home providing accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care. It is registered to provide care for up to 30 people. At the time of our assessment there were 23 people living in the home. During the assessment we spoke with people who lived at the service, their relatives, staff, the registered manager, the provider’s operational and quality managers and representatives from other partner organisations. The service had a good learning culture and people could raise concerns. Managers investigated incidents thoroughly. People were protected and kept safe. Staff understood and managed risks. There were enough staff with the right skills, qualifications and experience. Managers made sure staff received training to maintain high-quality care. Staff managed medicines well and involved people in planning any changes. People were involved in assessments of their needs. Staff reviewed assessments taking account of people’s communication, personal and health needs. Staff worked with all agencies involved in people’s care for the best outcomes and smooth transitions when moving services. Staff considered decisions in people’s best interests where they did not have capacity. Staff protected people’s privacy and dignity and treated them as individuals as well as offering people choice. People were involved in decisions about their care. The service provided information people could understand. People knew how to give feedback and were confident the service took it seriously and acted on it. Leaders and staff had a shared vision and culture based on listening, learning and trust. Leaders were visible, knowledgeable and supportive, helping staff develop in their roles. Managers worked with the local community to deliver the best possible care and were receptive to new ideas. There was a culture of continuous improvement with staff given time and resources to try new ideas.

People's experience of the service

Updated 2 January 2025

People and relatives were positive about the quality of the care they received. People said they felt safe with staff and people felt involved in how their care was delivered. People said they received care from staff who treated them as individuals and from a consistent staff team who knew them well. People were supported by staff who were able to speak with them in their preferred language and who understood their cultural needs. People felt able to complain, felt listened too and were confident action would be taken, and improvements would be made. People said staff respected their privacy and maintained their dignity, whilst offering choices with their consent.