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Errand Plus and Personal Services

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Arkitech House, 35 Whiffler Road, Norwich, NR3 2AW (01603) 319998

Provided and run by:
Errand Plus and Personal Services Ltd

Important: This service was previously registered at a different address - see old profile

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

Errand Plus is a Domiciliary Care Agency that’s provides personal care for people living within their own homes. At the time of the assessment there were 84 people who were in receipt of the Regulated Activity of personal care. We had previously inspected the service in September 2020 with the overall rating of requires improvement. We announced this assessment remotely on 01 August 2024 and completed a site visit on 13 August 2024, We completed a full comprehensive assessment and looked at all Quality Statements within the 5 key questions due to the service moving to a new location, the length of time since it had previously been inspected, we had several concerns raised to us by the Local Authority of the service and there was a new manager in post. We found that there had been some improvement in the service since we last inspected and they were embedding new ways of working within the team but there were still areas that needed to be improved on. During this assessment, we identified issues relating to staff training to meet individual specific care needs, the systems and processes for identifying lessons learnt and responding to people's feedback and the system for managing and reviewing mental capacity assessments. Additionally, we found there was a lack of audits resulting in poor oversight in some areas. This included a lack of clear arrangements to ensure care plans and risk assessments were person centred and the management of medication records. We served the provider a warning notice for a breach regulation 17: Good governance and an action plan request for a breach of regulation 12: Safe care and treatment.