- Care home
Kingland House Residential Home
Report from 24 January 2025 assessment
Our view of the service
Kingland House Residential Home is registered to provide care and support for up to 44 people. The home provides residential care for older adults, some of whom are living with dementia. At the time of this assessment, there were 38 people living at the service. This was a planned assessment to check the quality and safety of the care provided. The assessment took place between 24 January and 25 January 2025. People had risk assessments in place for all their care and support needs. Assessments were completed and supported people to be as safe as possible. Safeguarding procedures were in place and staff knew how to raise concerns; they were confident they would be taken seriously. People can only be deprived of their liberty to receive care and treatment when this is in their best interests and legally authorised under the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA). In care homes, and some hospitals, this is usually through MCA application procedures called the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). We checked whether the service was working within the principles of the MCA, whether appropriate legal authorisations were in place when needed to deprive a person of their liberty, and whether any conditions relating to those authorisations were being met. People received their medicines as prescribed. Lessons were learnt and shared from events within the service. Recruitment processes were safe and there was enough staff to meet the needs of people. There was a comprehensive induction and training programme for staff, including supervisions and additional support where required. Robust environmental cleaning and checks meant the service was clean and hygienic. Staff felt appreciated and were proud to work for the service. Governance systems were operating effectively, and this included oversight by the provider. The registered manager told us they were confident and proud of the staff team. We received positive feedback about the registered manager and the management team.
People's experience of this service
People and their relatives told us Kingland House Residential Home was like going home to family. People were supported by staff who were kind, caring and appreciated their individuality. Relatives told us they had peace of mind, and their loved ones were safe in the care of the service. People and their relatives knew the registered manager and had confidence in the management team. They appreciated the warm, homely environment and everyone commented about the high level of cleanliness. People and their relatives were confident any concerns or troubles would be addressed immediately. One person told us, “They try to make the residents lives better here, they are excellent.”