28 February 2025
The child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) at St Andrews hospital Northampton, has significantly reduced over time. The hospital has 2 CAMHS wards, but only one in use currently, which is Seacole ward. Stowe ward was closed at the time of assessment.
This onsite assessment of the CAMHS was undertaken on 27 November 2024. The off-site assessment concluded on 17 January 2024.
The assessment was prompted in part by notification of an incident to the CQC and feedback received from external agencies, including concerns about the menagement of risk. This assessment examined those risks.
The assessment examined 5 quality statements across 2 key questions; safe and well led.
We found breaches of the regulations in relation to staffing. An action plan has been requested from the provider to address this.
Child and adolescent mental health wards
11 November 2024
The child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) at St Andrews hospital Northampton, has significantly reduced over time. The hospital has 2 CAMHS wards, but only one in use currently, which is Seacole ward. Stowe ward was closed at the time of assessment.
This onsite assessment of the CAMHS was undertaken on 27 November 2024. The off-site assessment concluded on 17 January 2024.
The assessment was prompted in part by notification of an incident to the CQC and feedback received from external agencies, including concerns about the menagement of risk. This assessment examined those risks.
The assessment examined 5 quality statements across 2 key questions; safe and well led. We found breaches of the regulations in relation to staffing. An action plan has been requested from the provider to address this.
Services for people with acquired brain injury
16 July 2024
St Andrew's Healthcare is a registered charity specialising in the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of people with psychiatric disorders, including people with developmental disabilities. St. Andrews Healthcare provides services on three main sites: Northampton, Birmingham and Essex. This assessment took place in Northampton, which had five divisions: child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS), services for people with a learning disability and autistic people, medium secure, low secure and specialist rehabilitation, and neuropsychiatry. The last inspection of the neuropsychiatry division took place between the 18 and 20 October 2022. This was an unannounced inspection, triggered by the receipt of information, which gave us concerns about the safety and quality of services on one ward in this core service. The information of concern was received by CQC between July and September 2022. Our last comprehensive inspection of this service was in June 2016 and a follow up inspection in May 2017. The concerns received included the following: safe staffing levels and how incidents were safely managed, physical healthcare and care of the deteriorating patient. The overall rating for the inspection was requires improvement with safe and well led rated requires improvement. There was insufficient evidence available to rate effective. We looked at 23 Quality Statements across all 5 Key Questions.
This was an unannounced focused inspection of the neuropsychiatry division which was undertaken in response to identified risks. During the inspection we inspected all quality statements under safe, and well-led. We also inspected specific quality statements under effective, caring and responsive, which had been selected based on identified risks and concerns. This inspection was rated based on our findings.
Forensic inpatient or secure wards
11 January 2024
Long stay or rehabilitation mental health wards for working age adults
16 September 2016
Thornton ward is a locked rehabilitation unit for women.
Ferguson ward is a locked rehabilitation unit for men.
Spring Hill House is a locked facility rehabilitation unit for Women offering 23 beds.
Wards for older people with mental health problems
7 August 2017
O’Connell North ward
O’Connell South ward
Compton ward
Acute wards for adults of working age and psychiatric intensive care units
16 September 2016
Sherwood ward is the psychiatric intensive care unit.