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  • Care home

Archived: Tregothnan Care Home

112 Balmoral Road, Morecambe, Lancashire, LA3 1ST (01524) 412259

Provided and run by:
Thackray Care Services Limited

All Inspections

16 April 2014

During a routine inspection

The inspection was led by one inspector. Information we gathered during the inspection helped answer our five questions; Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led? Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, the staff supporting them and from looking at records.

If you wish to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.

Is the service safe?

We saw that people were treated with respect and dignity by the staff. Care plans had been developed based upon people`s individual needs. A range of risk assessments were in place and reviewed periodically. They were last reviewed in November 2013. The home worked in partnership with the local health care team. District nurses visited daily to support people with their health conditions. People we spoke with told us they were very happy living in the home. One person told us, 'They look after you, they are spot on.'

The registered manager and some of the staff clearly explained how they would take action to identify and prevent abuse from happening in the service. This involved responding appropriately and sensitively when abuse was suspected or was at risk of occurring. Staff had received updated safeguarding training in 2013. The home had a whistleblowing policy. This meant that staff were supported to report any concerns they had regarding any poor practise they observed in the home.

Is the service effective?

People's health and care needs were assessed, monitored and reviewed. People and their relatives were supported to be involved in their plans of care. There was regular contact with local GP`s and district nurse team.

Is the service caring?

We observed people were supported by kind and caring staff. Staff we spoke with told us they had worked at the home for a number of years. This meant they were experienced and had developed a deeper understanding of people`s needs. Tregothnan Care Home is a small home and therefore informal systems were in place to gain feedback form people regarding the quality of services provided at the home.

Is the service responsive?

We saw evidence to show us that the home was responsive when meeting people`s health care needs. The registered provider was also the registered manager in the home. This meant that the care and support provided by the staff team was monitored on a daily basis and immediate action taken if there was any concern. Staff told us they were aware of people`s likes and preferences and devised menus based on this information. There was an assessment in place to identify any specialised equipment required to help people to maintain their independence. We were told that no one required any special diets. Staff worked closely with local GP`s for advice and guidance. Staff we spoke with told us they were aware of what actions to take should they have any concerns regarding people`s dietary needs. Staff at the home weighed people on a regular basis and recorded this information. This meant they were able to monitor for any changes taking place. This showed us the home had systems in place to protect people from the risks of inadequate food and nutrition.

Is the service well-led?

The service worked with other agencies and services to make sure people received their care in a joined up way. The registered manager completed a range of quality audits to monitor and review the quality of the services they provided within the home. This helped to ensure that people received a good quality service at all times.

5 June 2013

During a routine inspection

During our visit we spoke with the registered manager and the member of staff on duty. Individual discussion also took place with four people living at the home. We also spoke informally to people sitting in the lounge just prior to lunch.

Without exception people spoke positively about the care they received. One person told us, 'They look after you very well such as getting dressed and feeding you well. They look after us well altogether'. Another person said that they made choices for themselves and decided what they wanted to do each day. A third person commented, 'They look after you good. No problem with the staff at all. The boss is alright he looks after us well'.

We saw that people had started to sign a record when a review of their care had taken place. This was to confirm that the person was accepting of the level of care and support provided. However, when asked about this one person told us, 'It's best to do what they say, they look after us well. I cannot remember signing any care plan but then I forget. It is no bother to me. They are grand all of them, they are pleasant and help you, that what you want'.

Although we were told that questionnaires for people living at the home had not proved popular, we saw that there was a relaxed, friendly and homely atmosphere. Staff clearly knew the preferences of each person and addressed the individual in the way they preferred. It was clear that people had no hesitation in saying what they thought.

12 February 2013

During a routine inspection

During the inspection process we spoke with a range of people about the home. They included the registered manager, staff members and a number of people who lived at Tregothnan Care Home. There were two people visiting the home and we also spoke with them. They told us, 'The staff are very welcoming and I am very satisfied the way my relative is cared for.'

We received responses from external agencies including other commissioners, in order to gain a balanced overview of what people experienced at Tregothnan Care Home. They told us they were concerned about the lack of training for the staff team. They have asked the provider to provide them with an action plan in respect of developing further training for staff.

People told us they found the home to be comfortable. They liked the way they could personalise their rooms and felt staff were considerate to meet their needs. They told us, 'Been here a while I like the way I can come and go.' Also, "Staff are always around when you need them."

People we spoke with told us they had access to a range of healthcare services including doctors and district nurses. There was also access to associated health services including opticians, dentists and chiropodists. One person told us, 'The district nurse comes every day, they also give us advice about other residents if we are concerned.'

4 October 2011

During a routine inspection

During the course of the visit we spoke individually with the registered manager, a member of the care staff team and six people living at the home. Without exception residents spoken with said they were very satisfied with the level of care provided with one person saying, 'I have no complaints at all, I am quite happy with the way things are going'. This same person confirmed that he had seen and had discussed his plan of care that he had signed as acknowledgement and acceptance of the content. Another person told us, 'I am quite alright here, the care is good, you can go out when you want to, eat when you want, its really quite good. I like it'. A third person said, 'The staff are all very kind and respectful. We make our own choice about everything'.

One person told us, 'They cook and care very well'. Another person said, 'They are all very kind, I am as happy as I will ever be, everything is OK I have nothing to complain about, I am well looked after'.

When asked, people living at the home said that they felt safe and looked after. People also told us that they would have no hesitation about saying something if they needed to. One person said, 'I would tell staff if I was unhappy'.

One person said that she was quite happy for staff to administer her prescribed medication.

People spoken with described The Tregnothnan as comfortable. One person said his bedroom was 'Grand, lovely but a bit too hot sometimes, it is cooling down a bit now though'.

The staff member spoken with was very positive about the support provided by the registered manager.

People living at the home told us that they were informally asked about their thoughts and views regarding the service provided as part of the day to day activity of the home. We were also told by a number of people that they would have no hesitation in challenging something they were unhappy with and that they liked the discussion with the staff team. People felt very confident that any views expressed would be listened to and taken into account.

Without exception people spoken with were very pleased with the care and support provided and stated they had no need to make a complaint about anything. One person said, 'Everything is OK I have nothing to complain about'. Another person said that they had no complaints at all and a third person told us, 'They do everything well here, I have no complaints'.