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  • Care home

Lindisfarne Newton Aycliffe

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Silverdale Place, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham, DL5 7DZ (01325) 320227

Provided and run by:
Gainford Care Homes Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 18 December 2024

Date of Assessment: 28 January to 10 February 2025. Lindisfarne Newton Aycliffe is a care home providing nursing and personal care for up to 56 people who are older, have physical health conditions, mental health needs or are living with dementia. At the time of the inspection, 52 people used the service. At the last inspection we identified a breach of regulation in relation to the oversight of the service. Effective systems were not in place to monitor people’s safety when eating and drinking. Record keeping needed to be improved, and fire drills had not been completed recently. At this inspection, improvements had been made and the service was no longer in breach of regulations. Staff had received training around providing good dementia care, so stepped in to meet people’s needs, which supported individuals to retain their communication and social skills. People and relatives were very positive about how staff had supported individuals to continue to enjoy a good quality of life. The management team ensured assessments were completed in a timely manner and were accurate. These were used as the basis for the care records. Staff had received training around the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and associated code of practice. Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) applications were appropriately submitted. We discussed enhancements that could be made to the capacity assessments and ‘best interest’ decisions, which the registered manager actioned. Risk assessments were in place and assisted staff to readily identify how to mitigate risks. Staff worked with people to ensure they could still take everyday risks such as going to the shops independently. Incident monitoring records were in place and the registered manager used these to assist them to understand themes, reasons for the events and lessons which could be learned. We found the registered manager critically reviewed the operation of the service and actively made changes as and when these were needed.

People's experience of the service

Updated 18 December 2024

People were positive about the support offered at the service. People told us staff were caring, supportive and worked hard to ensure people’s needs were met. One person said, “They are kind and patient. I feel at home, very comfortable.” A relative said, “It’s a relief, [person’s name] is here as they are safe now, the staff are always close by and happy to help, it’s reassuring.” Some individuals had very limited verbal communication. We used a structured observation tool to assess whether they received good care. This approach showed people were included and listened to and staff consistently interacted positively with them. Staff worked with people in a sensitive, caring and considerate manner. They knew people’s life history and used this effectively to engage people and reduce any distress they might be experiencing. A relative said, “I filled in a booklet with [person’s name] likes and dislikes and about their life. I had to write about [person’s name] personality. Staff often use this information when chatting and it’s lovely to see [person’s name] face light up talking to them about their experiences.” People felt safe and their human rights were fully promoted. They were encouraged to make decisions. One person said, “I get up when I want, I do what I want, and you can ask for anything, as nothing is too much trouble.” A relative said, “The staff are aware of her needs and follow all the guidance [person’s name] has received.” Another relative said, “They are excellent, it is such a relief for us to know [person’s name] is here and safe.” People told us they felt listened to and consulted around how their care and support should be provided. All felt staff were competent and knowledgeable. People felt able to complain and were confident action would be taken and improvements would be made. A person said, “I speak to the head male nurse if I have any concerns, as he sorts them straight away. The home is very good, I would recommend it.”