• Mental Health
  • Independent mental health service

The Priory Hospital Roehampton

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Priory Lane, London, SW15 5JJ (020) 8876 8261

Provided and run by:
Priory Healthcare Limited

Report from 19 June 2024 assessment

Ratings - Child and adolescent mental health wards

  • Overall


  • Safe


  • Effective


  • Caring


  • Responsive


  • Well-led


Our view of the service

The Priory Hospital Roehampton is an independent hospital that provides support and treatment for people with mental health problems and substance misuse problems. There were 7 inpatient wards at the hospital: • Garden Wing (private acute ward for adults of working age) • Upper court (private acute ward for adults of working age) • West wing (private acute and addictions ward for adults of working age) • East wing (specialist adult eating disorder ward) • Priory court (specialist child and adolescent eating disorder ward) • Lower court (child and adolescent mental health ward) • Richmond court (private child and adolescent mental health ward) We carried out our on-site assessment on 26 and 27 March 2024 on the 2 Child and Adolescent mental health wards (CAMHS) due to cases and notifications we received. We looked at 20 quality statements across all five key questions; safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led. In our inspection in 2023, the provider had been in breach of regulation regarding person-centered care. We told the provider the service on Lower Court and Richmond Court must ensure staff inform and involve families and carers appropriately and provide them with support where needed. Reg 9 (3) (g). During this assessments feedback from carers remained mixed and further improvements were necessary. This was a breach of Regulation 9, person-centred care of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. The service must make further improvements to ensure staff involve families and carers appropriately and involve them in their children’s care, including inviting parents and carers to meetings and providing them support where needed.

People's experience of this service

We spoke to 5 patients and 5 carers. Patients told us staff respected patients’ privacy and dignity and were caring. Patients told us they felt safe on the ward and were involved in their risk assessments and care planning. One patient told us they felt staff were rough during restraints and some patients told us they did not like the food at the service. Senior managers at the service had completed food satisfaction surveys for patients and used the results to make improvements. We spoke with 5 parents who told us they did not always feel involved in their child’s care. Two parents we spoke to told us sometimes they received calls or emails following wards rounds with updates but were not always invited. The service must make further improvements to ensure staff involve families and carers appropriately and involve them in their children’s care, including inviting parents and carers to meetings and providing them support where needed. This was a breach of Regulation 9, person-centred care of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.