Updated 20 November 2024
Date of Assessment: 03 December 2024 to 24 December 2024. The service is a care at home service providing support to people living in their own homes. This inspection was prompted by concerns we had received about the service relating to safe staffing. We conducted a targeted assessment focusing on 4 quality statements in safe and well-led. This included safe and effective staffing, involving people to manage risk, safeguarding and governance. We found 6 breaches of the legal regulations including safeguarding, good governance, display of ratings, notification of other incidents and statement of purpose. We found a repeated breach of regulation from the last inspection in April 2023 in relation to safe care and treatment. This is because people and relatives told us visits were not always provided when required. Visits could be up to an hour or 2 late, or on some occasions not provided at all. The rating for safe and well-led is requires improvement. The service lacked governance systems to ensure it was delivering high quality and safe care, and making improvements when needed. There was no up to date statement of purpose, and the provider was not displaying their Care Quality Commission (CQC) assessment rating on their website as required. We were not assured safeguarding concerns were being managed effectively. Notifications relating to safeguarding incidents and other notifiable events were not made as required. People and relatives confirmed their visits were not always provided as expected. They described care staff as caring and helpful, and all felt well supported by their care staff. We were unable to gain feedback from staff and professionals as their contact details were not provided as requested. In instances where CQC have decide to take civil or criminal enforcement action against a provider, we will publish this information on our website after any representations and/ or appeals have been concluded. We have asked the provider for an action plan.