Our current view of the service
9 December 2024
Date of Assessment: 2 January 2025 to 21 January 2025. The service is a residential care home providing nursing and personal care to older people and younger adults. We carried out this assessment due to concerns we had received about the service and to follow up on actions from the last assessment. The provider was previously in breach of the legal regulation in relation to safe care and treatment and good governance. Improvements were not found at this assessment, and the provider remained in breach of both these regulations. However, the current management team had not been in post long and had begun to address some concerns and change some systems and processes. However, these require embedding in to practice to ensure they efficacy. The management team acknowledged improvements were required and had an action plan to keep them focused on priorities. Some incidents had not been investigated thoroughly. Risks associated with people’s care had not always been identified or managed to keep people safe.
People's experience of the service
9 December 2024
People were positive about the quality of their care they received. They felt safe but did not always feel fully involved in planning their care. People told us the staff were kind and caring although at times had to wait for staff to attend to their needs. People told us staff met their needs in a safe way. One person said, “They [staff] make sure I don’t have a shower on my own in case I fall.” People were happy with the cleanliness of the home and told us staff regularly cleaned their rooms. One person said, “It’s very clean. They [staff] come in to clean my room. There is someone who does the maintenance jobs.” People were happy with the way they received their medicines. One person said, “I get what I need [medicines], I get them at the normal times.” People and relatives were not always happy with how complaints had been handled. Concerns raised by staff on behalf of people had not always been addressed in a timely way. Most people and relatives told us there had been several changes in the management team and they were not sure who the manager was.