- Homecare service
DCA Essex
Report from 9 October 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Assessing needs
- Delivering evidence-based care and treatment
- How staff, teams and services work together
- Supporting people to live healthier lives
- Monitoring and improving outcomes
- Consent to care and treatment
We did not look at all quality statements for Effective at this assessment. This rating uses some scores from the previous inspection. We found people’s needs were assessed and care plans and risk assessments were reviewed. People’s rights were respected, and this included the right to make unwise decisions.
This service scored 58 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Assessing needs
The provider had systems to review and update care plans as people's needs changed and relatives were involved where appropriate. Care plans detailed what was important to people and information sharing was clear. Referrals were made when needed to external professionals for example, speech and language teams and GPs. There was an internal referral process for staff to access positive behavioural support training. This training is to support with the emotional and physical wellbeing of people during moments of distress. There were robust recording systems for staff to evidence the support given which could then be analysed by management to help identify if a person’s support needed to be adapted.
Delivering evidence-based care and treatment
We did not look at Delivering evidence-based care and treatment during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Effective.
How staff, teams and services work together
We did not look at How staff, teams and services work together during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Effective.
Supporting people to live healthier lives
We did not look at Supporting people to live healthier lives during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Effective.
Monitoring and improving outcomes
We did not look at Monitoring and improving outcomes during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Effective.
Consent to care and treatment
People experienced support to make decisions in ways that suited their communication needs. For example, we observed visual aids being used with one person and verbal choices for another.
Staff had a good understanding of people’s rights. This was demonstrated during the tour of people’s homes. A staff member sought permission before showing the inspector around. At another person’s home staff encouraged one person who lives in the home to give the tour. Another staff member said, “I support people I care for by giving them choices to make their decision, ask for their consent before doing anything for them.”
Staff received training in the Mental Capacity Act which helped ensure they understood the principles of the act and put the training into practice.