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  • Care home

Angel Mount Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Princess Street, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 1SP

Provided and run by:
Guardian Health Care PVT LTD

Report from 8 October 2024 assessment

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Updated 4 December 2024

A recommendation from the last inspection had been addressed and the provider ensured closer oversight and auditing of records to ensure staff were following systems and process. A range of audits and safety checks were in place to monitor and improve the service, however, not all checks were robust enough to identify the concerns found during the inspection process. The culture of the service was positive and staff felt listened to. Staff meetings were taking place and lessons learnt was shared during these meetings. Staff told us they worked as a team and felt supported by the management team. The registered manager spoke passionately of how they were constantly trying to improve the wellbeing of people living at this service.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

The registered manager spoke positively of the culture at the service and said, “Our goal is to ensure residents are safe from abuse. We treat them very good. I will always stand for my residents.” The registered manager also spoke of how they incorporated dementia friendly themes around the service and told us they are looking at improving the signage to make it more accessible for all. Staff felt the registered manager and the director promoted values. Their comments included, “The management team have good values” and “They are changing things to make it better for people living here. There is a suggestion box for staff to complete and a plan to give people a spa.” It was clear from speaking to staff and the management team that they were constantly thinking of new and innovative ways to ensure people lived a fulfilling life.

Thought had gone into the décor of the service to enhance people’s wellbeing. The suggestion box provided the opportunity for staff to input any ideas they had and to feel included in the running of the service. Staff had training on equality and diversity and there was a supporting policy for this.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

Staff praised the management team for their knowledge and support. One staff member said, “There is no barrier between (registered) manager and staff, at any time if you have a concern you can go to them.” Another staff member said, “You can speak freely at any time. The (registered) manager is a very nice person.” Staff told us they had regular staff meetings and felt listened to. One staff member said, “Staff meetings are once a month, we can put our opinions and thoughts into improving the care and this is taken on board.”

There was a positive culture at this service where staff felt listened to. We saw evidence of resident and staff meetings where information was shared and lessons learnt was discussed. A range of quality checks were in place undertaken by the registered manager and the operations manager to ensure good, effective systems were in place. However, not all checks recorded concerns that were found. The registered manager ensured all concerns would be accurately recorded.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Staff felt there was an open culture where they were able to raise concerns and speak freely. One staff member said, “There is a suggestion box which is reviewed monthly and our views are listened to.”

A whistleblowing policy was in place to advise staff on what to do should they have a concern and staff felt comfortable raising concerns should they need to. Staff surveys were completed which included various topics such as job satisfaction, team building, communication and training. Staff had completed training in this area.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

Staff felt they were treated equally and fairly. One staff member said, “It is wonderful here, we are like a family. We all work together for the needs of the residents.” Staff told us they felt supported and had no concerns relating to human rights.

An equality and diversity policy was in place which staff could access. Consideration had been taken by the registered manager and the director to ensure all staff were treated fairly and that staff wellbeing was thought of. One staff member had wrote to the director thanking them for their support with a personal issue.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

Staff felt the registered manager knew them well and that regular checks were carried out. One staff member said, “(The registered manager) comes out to the floor to check on residents and staff and they let us know if we need to improve.” Staff described the registered manager and the director as ‘friendly and caring.’ The registered manager told us the process for audits and advised they were reviewed by the director to ensure transparency and accuracy.

At the last inspection we recommended the provider ensured closer oversight and auditing of records to ensure staff were following systems and process. This has been rectified, there was a range of audits and safety checks in place which identified any issues and actions that needed to be addressed. However, not all checks identified the concerns found during the inspection process. The weekly checks of the fire doors did not identify the need for some fire doors to be replaced, despite this being raised in the fire risk assessment. Work was on-going during the inspection for replacement of fire doors so it was clear action had been taken but the records did not reflect this. Concerns relating to staff recruitment were not identified through an audit process. A new audit was put in place during the inspection process which provided assurances that future concerns would be identified. Other audits we saw were robust and there was a clear action plan in place when concerns were identified. Notifications were being submitted to the Care Quality Commission, as required and the previous inspection rating was displayed. There was a clear management structure. Teamwork was evident between the registered manager, operations manager and the director who were all actively involved in the running of the service.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

Relatives felt their loved ones were supported to medical appointments and said they were kept informed of any changes. One relative told us, “They (staff) keep an eye on people’s weight as eating seems to be something that is affected by dementia. They have explained it all to me. It’s all new to me so I am grateful for their support at times.” Relatives told us social workers were involved when needed.

The registered manager told us they had a good working relationship with professionals and staff told us people were supported by advocates and social workers as needed.

Partners spoke positively in this area. One partner said, “The (registered) manager has taken the time to understand my role and how I can support them.”

Care plans held a list of contacts including social workers and advocates. The registered manager worked in partnership with various organisations such as GP’s, the community mental health team and quality teams at the local authority to help provide continuity of care and, improve systems and processes.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

The registered manager spoke passionately about how they were constantly trying to improve the wellbeing of the people living at the service. Plans were in place to enhance people’s surroundings and improve their quality of life. Staff told us they worked together as a team to help provide the best possible care. Staff also spoke about incidents and how meetings were held to ensure staff were OK and help prevent future occurrences. One staff member said, “If a big incident occurred, team members and the (registered) manager sit down and discuss what has happened.”

Lessons learnt was shared through various means including staff supervision, handovers and meetings. This gave staff the opportunity to reflect on events and share knowledge with each other. The registered manager had regular meetings with the director to discuss concerns and help improve the service.