Updated 5 December 2024
We carried out an assessment of Adonai Healthcare Services between 18 November and 21 November 2024. This was to follow up on the shortfalls we found at our last visit. We looked at all the quality statements within all five key questions. The service is a domiciliary care agency providing personal care to people living in their own homes. At our last visit we identified eight breaches of regulation. These were in person-centred care, treating people with respect and dignity, obtaining consent, risks to people, complaints processes, good governance, staffing arrangements and recruitment processes. We issued requirement notices for the breaches of regulation and placed the service in special measures. Improvements were found at this inspection as the registered manager had worked closely with a consultant to address the shortfalls. As such, we found breaches of regulation had been met in relation to person-centred care, treating people with respect and dignity, obtaining consent, complaints processes, staffing and recruitment processes. The overall rating for the service is no longer inadequate and therefore, the service is no longer in special measures. However, despite the widespread improvements, we identified continued concerns relating to risks to people and good governance as further work was needed to ensure robust systems and processes were in place. Risk assessments were included in people’s care plans but some did not contain sufficient information to help ensure staff knew how to keep people safe. Auditing arrangements were more robust, but despite this audits had not identified gaps in care plans or that information was not contemporaneous. Staff felt supported by the registered manager and they received appropriate training, supervision as well as the opportunity to express their views on how the service was run.