• Care Home
  • Care home

Sunnyview House

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Manorfield, off Beeston Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS11 8QB (0113) 277 7160

Provided and run by:
Bupa Care Homes (HH Leeds) Limited

Important: The provider of this service has requested a review of one or more of the ratings.

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 1 May 2024

This assessment was carried out between 24 October and 15 November 2024. The assessment included a site visit to the home on 24 October 2024 to 6 November 2024. Sunnyview is a care home providing personal care to adults, some of whom were living with dementia. At the time of our assessment 76 people were living in the home. We carried out an assessment because there had been concerns identified regarding the quality and safety of the home. At this assessment we found 2 breaches of regulation which concerned safe care and treatment and good governance. People did not always receive safe care. The provider did not have effective systems in place to ensure people were safeguarded from potential harm and abuse. There was poor oversight at the service, which meant risks were not effectively identified and acted on. Governance systems and audits were not effective in identifying or addressing areas for improvement. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to our concerns.

People's experience of the service

Updated 1 May 2024

People and relatives were informed when things had gone wrong, however, they were not always informed of clear actions or lessons learned as a result of not always having a thorough investigation completed. Most people and relatives told us they thought people were safe at the service. However, we were not assured people were experiencing risk free care or had been fully safeguarded from avoidable risk or harm. Most people and relatives said they did not feel involved in how risks to them were managed. Relatives who had seen equipment being used told us it was used safely however, we found instances where moving and handling by staff had not been carried out safely. People and relatives gave us mixed feedback about staffing levels stating, staffing levels at weekends were lower, there was a high number of agency staff, frequent turnover of staff and lack of consistent staff. They felt this impacted on the quality of care and support their relative received. People told us on the whole they were happy with their environment however, we observed risk in the environment which affected the safety of people in the home. People received the medication they required without delays or gaps in administration. People were satisfied with their care and told us staff treated them with respect and dignity. People were offered a range of activities; however, more work was required to support people who preferred to stay in their bedrooms to prevent social isolation. People told us they were involved in their care planning and were always given choices in relation to how they liked to be supported. People felt listened to by staff and were supported with their diverse needs. Some people felt more work was required on the types of meals being offered and having more variety. Some relatives had been involved in care planning, but most relatives said they had not discussed future wishes or contributed to advanced care plans.