- Care home
South Haven Lodge Care Home
We have suspended the ratings on this page while we investigate concerns about this provider. We will publish ratings here once we have completed this investigation.
Report from 21 August 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
We carried out a responsive assessment of South Haven Lodge Care home between 17 September and 8 October 2024 to follow up on concerns we had received. The concerns raised included, safeguarding concerns, staffing levels and training, medicines and risk management, poor standards of personal care and management oversight. South Haven Lodge Care Home is a residential care home providing personal and nursing care and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The home is registered to provide care and support of up to 46 people. At our assessment visits there were between 30 and 31 people living at the home and the service was undergoing a period of change in relation to the management. The registered manager present at the start of our assessment left the service on the 4 October 2024 following working their notice period. A new manager had commenced employment at the home on 30 September 2024. Throughout this report the registered manager will be referred to as ‘registered manager’ and the new manager as ‘manager’. At this assessment we identified 7 breaches of regulation. Breaches included, safeguarding, staffing, consent and dignity and respect. Additionally, we also identified repeated breaches in relation to safe care and treatment, good governance and fit and proper persons employed. This demonstrated a failure to act effectively on past shortfalls and concerns. In instances where CQC have decided to take civil and criminal enforcement action against a provider, we will publish this information on our website after any representations and/or appeals have been concluded. The service is being placed into special measures. The purpose of special measures is to ensure that services providing inadequate care make significant improvements. Special measures provide a framework within which we use our enforcement powers in response to inadequate care and provide a timeframe within which providers must improve the quality of the quality of the care they provide.
People's experience of this service
During the assessment we received feedback from 14 people and their relatives and 13 members of staff including the registered manager. We also reviewed approximately 16 people’s care records. We received mixed feedback from people and relatives about their experiences of the service and standards of care provided. Some people and relatives we spoke with expressed they were happy with the care and described the staff as being kind. However, others felt there was not enough staff available to meet their needs and described times when they felt their needs were not met. People did not experience a positive culture and were not always listened to or treated in a kind and caring way. Staff frequently ignored people and failed to respond to people during periods of anxiety, distress and frustration.