Updated 21 May 2024
Date of assessment 18 June to 27 June 2024. Kailash Manor is a nursing home providing care to older people some of whom were living with dementia. The home can accommodate up to 78 people in one building. At the time of our inspection 38 people were living at the home. We have not previously rated this service. At this assessment we have assessed all quality statements in the safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led key questions. We spoke with 14 relatives, 4 people living in the home, 1 care worker, 2 nurses, the activity coordinator, director of medicines, head of people, resident experience manager, the chef manager, the commissioning manager, the maintenance manager, the registered manager and nominated individual. The nominated individual has oversight of the service. We reviewed records including care plans for 5 people and recruitment files for 3 staff. Following our visit on site we reviewed a range of service records including, staff training and supervision matrix, accident and incident logs, complaints, safeguarding logs and policies and procedures. This was our first inspection of this service. People received care that was safe and met their needs. The provider had effective systems in place to ensure staff were safely recruited. Medicines were appropriately managed. Risks of harm to people’s health and wellbeing were well managed, monitored and measures were in place to mitigate risks as much as possible. The home was clean and well maintained. Staff were trained well and understood their role and responsibilities.