• Hospital
  • Independent hospital

Source Bioscience UK Limited

1 Orchard Place, Nottingham Business Park, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG8 6PX (0115) 973 9012

Provided and run by:
Source Bioscience UK Limited

All Inspections

14 November 2023

During a routine inspection

Source Bioscience UK Ltd is a private company offering a medical laboratory service. It provides diagnostic testing and information and services, to enable healthcare professionals make appropriate decisions about treatment options for people. The service has a broad laboratory service offering for genomic research, healthcare diagnostics and precision medicine innovations.

Clients include both NHS providers and the private sector.

We inspected this service but did not rate it as CQC do not yet have the legal power to rate pathology services.

We did not rate this service. We found:

  • The service had enough staff to provide the right level of service. The service controlled infection risk well. Staff assessed risks, acted on them and kept good care records. The service managed safety incidents well and learned lessons from them.
  • Managers monitored the effectiveness of the service and made sure staff were competent. Staff worked well together for the benefit of patients and had access to good information. Key services were available 5 days a week.
  • Leaders ran services well using reliable information systems and supported staff to develop their skills. Staff felt respected, supported and valued. They understood the importance of the work they did and the impact on patients receiving care. Staff were clear about their roles and accountabilities. The service engaged well with local health care providers to plan and manage services and all staff were committed to improving services continually.


  • Not all staff had completed mandatory training.

26 February 2014

During a routine inspection

Because of the nature of this service, we were unable to speak with people who use the service. We did however speak with four clients who process samples through source bioscience. One client who processes samples through source Bioscience told us they [the client] 'received a professional, timely, accommodating reliable and safe service.' The client confirmed that samples were usually turned around in five to seven days, but sooner where a person's clinical condition required this. Another client told us 'Source Bioscience provide an excellent service, the turnaround time is very good.'

We observed there were appropriate systems in place to protect staff from potential risks associated with handling samples.

Equipment was cleaned and calibrated in accordance with protocols in the laboratory and testing was subject to internal quality control samples. We saw a periodic preventative maintenance schedules for laboratory equipment and accompanying engineer's maintenance reports. This meant that the equipment was checked by a qualified external professional and was working properly.

We spoke with two Human Resources (HR) representatives for the provider. They told us about the recruitment processes in place. They told us that applicants submitted a curriculum vitae (CV) or applied for posts through recruitment agencies.

We saw that the service had a quality assurance manager. Audits were completed on many different subjects such as personnel, quality assurance, molecular diagnostics and equipment. An audit schedule was in place for 2014.

18 May 2011

During a routine inspection

People receive accurate analysis of their samples and these are returned in a timely way so any delays to treatment and diagnosis are reduced. One person who used the service told us 'the turnaround time has rapidly improved. I was very impressed with the speed e.g. I posted a request on 11 May 2011 and had a result by 13 May 2011'.

Good relationships are maintained with people who use the service so that samples are processed effectively. One person who used the service told us 'we have occasionally asked for advice regarding results and the reporting pathologist has been very helpful explaining the interpretation of the result.'

Samples do not have the potential to become contaminated in the laboratory due to the way they are collected and stored. Measures are in place more generally to prevent spread of communicable diseases and to protect staff. The environment and equipment used to store and process samples are effectively maintained to ensure they are safely stored and to reduce the risk of damage to them.

The staff who process samples and undertake analysis on them are appropriately qualified and have their practice monitored. There are quality assurance systems in place. One person who used the service told us 'we have been using Source Bioscience (previously Medical Solutions) for several years now and have always been happy with the service provided'.