Updated 24 October 2024
The inspection was undertaken due to numerous concerns which had been raised about the service including safeguarding concerns, and concerns around staffing and management arrangements. We identified multiple failings with regards to lack of reporting of incidents and safeguarding concerns. A lack of overall management and direction within the service and staff did not receive regular supervision or support for their role. Not all staff had received appropriate training and staff rotas were not arranged to facilitate appropriate support for people using the service. Risks to people were not mitigated and people’s care was not planned or reviewed in a person-centred way. Staff were not always aware of the needs of the people they were supporting. Where improvement action plans were in place, these had not been reviewed on a regular basis or actions taken within set timescales. No effective systems were in place for people’s voice to be heard or suggestions to be acted upon. Governance systems had not been effective in identifying the concerns we identified during this inspection.