• Care Home
  • Care home

South Lodge Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

307 London Road, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE2 3ND (0116) 274 8000

Provided and run by:
Avery of Leicester (Operations) Limited

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

South Lodge Care Home is a residential care home providing the regulated activity of accommodation for persons requiring personal care, some of whom live with dementia. We carried out this assessment due to concerns we received about keeping people safe. We assessed a total of 5 quality statements from the safe key question and have combined the scores for these areas with scores from the last inspection. We found people were protected from abuse and harm. People were involved in discussions about risk promoting freedom and control over their care. People received their medicines safely and on time. Staff were appropriately skilled to meet people’s needs including those living with Dementia. We noted some concerns with the environment at the service. Action was taken shortly after our site visit to address environmental concerns. There were also some concerns regarding staffing levels. During the assessment process, the provider reviewed and updated staff deployment. The inspection team included 2 inspectors, and an Expert by Experience. An Expert by Experience is a person who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses this type of care service. During the assessment process, we spoke with people living at the service and their relatives. We observed how people were being cared for and supported.

16 August 2022

During an inspection looking at part of the service

South Lodge Care Home is a residential care home providing personal care to up to 106 people. The service provides support to older people, some of whom live with dementia. At the time of our inspection there were 75 people using the service.

People’s experience of using this service and what we found

People and their relatives felt the service was safe, and people were cared for by staff who understood safeguarding procedures. There were enough staff working within the service to keep people safe.

Risks present within people’s lives had been assessed and reviewed. Staff working with people understood how to manage risk. Medicines were administered by trained staff, in a safe manner.

Environmental risk was assessed, and the premises were clean and well maintained. Staff followed infection prevention control measures to ensure the risk of infection was managed. Lessons were learned through analysis of any incidents or accidents.

There was a registered manager in place and a management team who supported their staff. Staff and people all felt the service was well run.

Audits and checks were in place to ensure prompt action was taken when any problems were found. Staff and people were able to feedback and have their voices heard.

People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk

Rating at last inspection

The last rating for this service was requires improvement (published 18 May 2019).

Why we inspected

We undertook this inspection as part of a random selection of services which have had a recent Direct Monitoring Approach (DMA) assessment, where no further action was needed to seek assurance about this decision and to identify learning about the DMA process.

We looked at infection prevention and control measures under the Safe key question. We look at this in all care home inspections even if no concerns or risks have been identified. This is to provide assurance that the service can respond to COVID-19 and other infection outbreaks effectively.

We undertook a focused inspection to review the key questions of safe and well-led only.

For those key questions not inspected, we used the ratings awarded at the last inspection to calculate the overall rating.

The overall rating for the service has changed from Requires Improvement to Good based on the findings of this inspection.

You can read the report from our last comprehensive inspection, by selecting the ‘all reports’ link for South Lodge Care Home on our website at www.cqc.org.uk.

Follow up

We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service, which will help inform when we next inspect.

5 March 2019

During a routine inspection

About the service: South Lodge Care Home is a care home that provides nursing, personal care and accommodation for up to 106 older people. Accommodation is arranged over four floors, in four distinct units. People had individual apartments with wet rooms and, in some cases, kitchenettes. At the time of our inspection, there were 93 people using the service.

What life is like for people using this service:

•Staff were not always effectively deployed in the service to ensure people received support and assistance in a timely manner. The manager was in the process of taking action to mitigate risks for people and ensure sufficient numbers of staff were always deployed to meet people’s needs.

•Staff were not always clear in their day to day roles and responsibilities. People, relatives and staff felt able to share their views about the service but were not always confident action would be taken to make required improvements.

•The provider undertook a range of quality audits and checks which helped to monitor the quality of the service provided and identify where improvements were required. Records did not always clearly demonstrate timescales for improvements or if improvements had been actioned.

•Staff understood their role to safeguard people from the risk of abuse and manage risks associated with people’s care and support.

•People received their medicines safely; lessons had been learnt from recent medicine errors. Staff followed procedures and guidance to prevent and/or reduce the risk of infections and cross infection for people.

•Staff were safely recruited and had completed relevant training to give them the skills and knowledge they needed to meet people’s needs.

•People’s needs were assessed before using the service and this information was used to develop care plans.

•People were supported to eat and drink healthily and reduce the risk of poor nutrition. Staff supported people to access the healthcare they needed to maintain their well-being.

•People were supported to have choice in their daily lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible.

•People were treated with kindness and respect. People and their relatives were supported to express their views and make decisions about the care they received. Staff promoted people’s independence and respected people’s right to privacy and dignity.

•People received personalised care from staff who followed detailed guidance in people’s care plans. People were able to participate in a range of meaningful activities.

•People and relatives knew how to raise concerns and complaints about their care.

•People were supported to receive end of life care in line with their wishes and preferences.

•The manager was clear on their responsibilities and demonstrated a commitment to ensuring people receiving quality, good care.

Ratings at last inspection: This was the first inspection under the new provider; the service had previously been rated as Good.

Why we inspected: This was a scheduled inspection.

Follow up: We will continue to monitor the quality of the service through the information we receive until we return to visit as per our re-inspection programme. If any information of concern is received, we may inspect sooner.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk.

7 June 2016

During a routine inspection

This inspection took place on 7 June 2016 and was unannounced.

South Lodge is registered to provide nursing and residential care and support for 106 older people with dementia and mental health needs. At the time of our inspection there were 97 people using the service.

The home has four floors. The Langton unit is situated on the ground floor and Charnwood and Foxton units on the first and second floors. Beacon Knowle unit is situated on the top floor and specialises for people living with dementia. It has restricted access for the safety of the people living there.

South Lodge had a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

People felt staff were kind and caring, and their privacy and dignity was respected in the delivery of care and their choice of lifestyle. Most of the relatives we spoke with were also complimentary about the staff and the care offered to their relatives. People were involved in the review of their care plan, and when appropriate were happy for their relatives to be involved. We observed staff offered people everyday choices and respected their decisions. People’s care and support needs had been assessed and people were involved in the development of their plan of care. Staff had access to people’s care plans and received regular updates about people’s care needs.

People were provided with a choice of meals that met their dietary needs. The catering staff were provided with up to date information about people’s dietary needs, and constantly sought the opinions of people to tailor their individual meal choices. Medicines were ordered, stored and administered safely and staff were trained to provide the medicines people required. Care plans included the changes to peoples care and treatment, and people attended routine health checks.

There were sufficient activities staff to provide a good level of planned and meaningful person centred activities for people over all seven days of the week. The provider had engaged with national activity providers association (NAPA) to identify appropriate activities and pastimes, and train staff accordingly. Staff had a good understanding of people’s care needs. People were able to maintain contact with family and friends as visitors were welcome without undue restrictions. Staff sought medical advice and support from health care professionals.

Staff were subject to a thorough recruitment procedure that ensured staff were qualified and suitable to work at the home. They received induction and on-going training for their specific job role, and were able to explain how they kept people safe from abuse. Staff were aware of whistleblowing and what external assistance there was to follow up and report suspected abuse.

There were sufficient staff available to meet people’s personal care needs and we saw staff worked in a co-ordinated manner.

Staff told us they had access to information about people’s care and support needs and what was important to people. Staff knew they could make comments or raise concerns with the management team about the way the service was run and knew these would be acted on.

The provider had a clear management structure within the home, which meant that the staff were aware who to contact out of hours. The registered manager undertook quality monitoring in the home, which fed into the checks the area manager carried out to keep the board of directors informed on the progress of the home. The provider had developed opportunities for people to express their views about the service. These included the views and suggestions from people using the service, their relatives and health and social care professionals. We received positive feedback from visiting professionals with regard to the care offered to people and professionalism of nursing staff. Staff were aware of the reporting procedure for faults and repairs and had access to the maintenance to manage any emergency repairs.

12, 13 November 2013

During a routine inspection

During this inspection we spoke with sixteen of the people who used the service at South Lodge and with five visitors. We also spoke with the managers of the service, the cook, activities organisers and five of the care staff employed there.

Overall, the people we spoke with confirmed that they were satisfied with the care and support they received. One told us, 'I am very pleased. They look after me very well here. I recommend this place to others.' Another said, 'It is all very satisfactory. I am well looked after.' They also told us that they were pleased with the meals provided. One told us, 'The meals here are absolutely fine. There is a wide variety.' Another person added, 'The quality of the food is very good ' you get variety and choices.'

The building was decorated and furnished to a good standard throughout. People's apartments were furnished with their personal belongings and reflected their individual tastes and interests. One told us, 'My room is very homely, I have my own things around me.' Equipment was available to help people's needs to be met in a safe and timely way.

There were arrangements in place to help capture the views and comments of people who used the service. Regular audits were carried out to check that the service was operating reliably.

12 February 2013

During a routine inspection

People using the service and their relatives told us they felt safe and well cared for. We found the environment to be welcoming and friendly and the facilties available to people using the service to be very good.

We observed staff delivering care and support in a patient and efficient manner. People we spoke with told us they trusted the care staff and believed them to be well trained and capable of delivering the care they needed. The provider also took steps to ensure staff maintained their professional skills and displayed a professional approach to their duties.

The provider takes approriate steps to ensure people's care needs are accurately indentified and fully met whilst they use the service. Members of staff and people using the service told us that they felt supported by the management and were confident any concerns they had would be addressed quickly and satisfactorily.

14 November 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

People told us that the care workers were very good and they felt well cared for. Relatives also commented positively about the care that people received. A relative commented, 'The permanent staff are fantastic and I'd rate them highly.' Another relative commented that they were happy with the attitude and approach of staff saying it was excellent.

People told us they knew about their care files and the planned care had been discussed with them. Relatives spoken with also felt the care workers knew about people's individual needs and were able to meet this.

People told us they felt safe and well looked after by care workers. We saw people using the staff call system. Relatives also told us they thought people were safe, and they had not seen care practices gave them cause for concern.

People told us the routine was relaxed and flexible. People were able to stay in their rooms or use communal areas as they wished. People told us residents meetings were held on a regular basis. People told us they were able to raise issues at these meetings, and they felt listened to.

28, 29 March 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

Some people told us that they were involved in discussing and planning their care. One person told us that they were aware that they had a care plan and they had been actively involved in their initial assessment and was happy that it met their needs. However, another person told us that they hadn't seen their care plan but that they were 'sure that there is one'. People we spoke with told us that they thought staff were able to meet their needs. One person who used the service said 'I am very happy here'. A visitor said 'the care is excellent'. They also said that they were kept informed about changes to their relatives' care needs and that the GP was at the home most days.

People also told us that appropriate staff were provided. One person who used the service told us 'I think they (staff) are carefully selected; I think they're delightful'. Another person told us they were happy with the way people work here. We were told by another person that staff treat people as individuals and are polite. One visitor said 'the staff are so thoughtful and caring'. Another visitor told us that their relative was treated with dignity and respect, and that staff always sought consent before delivering any care and were good at communicating what was happening.

We were told by people using the service and visitors that there were enough staff but that sometimes people had to wait for care during busy times. One person said 'there's always someone around' but added 'if I ring my bell I may have to wait a while if they are seeing to someone else, this is a minor irritation and it doesn't bother me that much'. One visitor told us that they had witnessed people having to wait for the toilet after lunch, as this was a time when most people needed to use the toilet. They told us that they had heard people complaining about this in the past. One visitor commented that they felt that staff didn't have the time to spend with people over and above their essential duties

People told us they were able to comment on and contribute to the running of the service. Two people told us that there was a monthly residents' meeting. They told us that they would feel comfortable speaking in this meeting. One person was also aware that there are representatives who people can give comments/questions to. The representatives will then raise these in the meeting on people's behalf. Both people told us that they would be happy talking to any staff member or the manager directly with any concerns or complaints. One person told us that they had used the comments box in the dining room. They said that although they hadn't received any direct feedback, the issue they had raised had improved.