Updated 8 October 2024
Date of assessment 29 October 2024. We revisited the service on 26 November 2024, as further information of concern had been identified. Mount Vernon Terrace is a ‘care home’ providing accommodation and personal care to older people and younger adults requiring support with their mental health. Not everyone who used the service received personal care. CQC only assesses where people receive personal care. This is help with tasks related to personal hygiene and eating. Where they do, we also consider any wider social care provided. At the time of the first assessment visit, there were 5 people being supported with personal care, with 15 people living at the service. Mount Vernon Terrace was last rated requires improvement (published 18 August 2023). The report was published following CQC’s old inspection approach using key lines of enquiry (KLOEs), prompts and ratings characteristics. This assessment has been completed following the Care Quality Commission (CQC) new approach to assessment; Single Assessment Framework (SAF). We assessed a total of 15 quality statements from the safe, effective, and well-led key questions and found areas of concern which placed people at risk of harm. Breaches: We found breaches of Regulation 9, 11, 12 and 17 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008. This relates to person-centred care, consent, safe care and treatment and good governance. We have requested an action plan from the provider. The scores for these areas have been combined with scores based on the key question ratings from the last inspection. This assessment did not cover all parts of our Single Assessment Framework; therefore, we have only updated scores and ratings for those areas which we have assessed. We will carry out future assessments to cover other parts of the Framework and will update our website with our findings.