- Care home
The Hurst Residential Home
Report from 31 January 2025 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of Assessment: 03 February 2025 to the 17 February 2025. The Hurst Residential Home is registered to provide accommodation and support for up to 29 people who live with mental health difficulties including depression, anxiety, alcohol and drug dependency and personality disorders. We undertook this responsive assessment to check on specific concerns we had received about the environment, peoples' safety and well-being and the management of risk in the service. We did not identify any significant issues during this assessment and the service had met the breaches of regulation 12 and 17 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 from the previous inspection in November 2022. Whilst improvements had been made, the overall rating of the service remains requires improvement. There had been recent damage to walls in the form of graffiti and the heating of the home was not efficient and was awaiting replacement. We received a planned action plan during the assessment process with completion targets. Governance arrangements were in place, but these were still not always operated effectively to monitor and improve the quality of the service. However, some improvements had been made since our last inspection. The registered manager knew the people who lived in the home very well, but had not ensured that staff had access to the information needed to keep people safe on their arrival at the Hurst Residential Home. There had been improvements to the management of risk and people received safe care as staff managed risks safely. The provider had liaised with external health professionals to provide joined up care and treatment for people. Staff and management knew people well and received an induction, training and support that enabled them to manage people’s health and social care safely. Systems were in place that allowed people, relatives and staff to speak up and have their voices heard.
People's experience of this service
People said, “Staff are nice, they help me and keep me safe,” “First home I have had in a long while, I even have a key to my room,” “It’s good here, it needs some work done, because someone wasn’t happy and wrote over the walls,” and “I like it here, I don’t want to leave here,” and “Staff listen to me.” People were encouraged to be as independent as possible within a risk assessment framework and staff supported people, if asked, to keep in touch with family and friends. Comments included, “They are going to help me see my family.” One visitor said, “I come regularly and have been for years, my loved one, is looking well and seems better, staff are really good, welcome me every time and keep me informed about health and whatnot, I think they do care and like I say she is well looked after.” A health professional told us, “It is not like other services in decor, but staff are knowledgeable and the person I come to visit is happy here and is safe. Staff are visible when I visit and their interaction seems positive.”