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Springbank House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

11 Hastings Road, Bexhill-on-sea, TN40 2FQ (01634) 280703

Provided and run by:
PureCare Care Services Limited

Report from 9 February 2024 assessment

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Not rated

Updated 20 June 2024

The systems and processes in place did not always ensure people’s care plans and risk, assessments were up to date. The provider took immediate action to re-assess and update care plans and risk assessments. People told us they had been involved in their care planning. People were supported to access health services when needed to maintain their well-being.

This service scored 21 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Assessing needs

Score: 2

People were confident that their individual needs had been appropriately assessed and were fully understood. A person told us, “Staff keep me informed of any appointments and discuss how I can get the support I need.” Not all people wished to fully engage and give feedback.

Staff were not always fully aware of people’s histories and needs. There was minimal information in the care plans regarding this. During the assessment process de-escalation plans were put in place. The area manager also introduced mental capacity support plans. Staff told us this has resulted in improvements in communication and knowledge. People said they had found it rewarding to be able to contribute to the process.

The provider had systems in place to assess risk to enable them to receive care or treatment that has the best possible outcomes. However, not all assessments were up-to date to reflect their current health status or needs. Assessments for two people had not been updated to reflect recent incidents.

Delivering evidence-based care and treatment

Not yet scored

We did not look at Delivering evidence-based care and treatment during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Effective key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.

How staff, teams and services work together

Not yet scored

We did not look at How staff, teams and services work together during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Effective key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.

Supporting people to live healthier lives

Score: 3

People told us they received advice and support on “keeping well.” Comments included, "The staff tell me what’s going on, I attend meetings with my social worker and staff will support me with this” and "Staff keep me informed of any appointments and discuss how I can get the support I need.” A person told us how staff had “Worked with her to get the support I need.”

Staff told us how they encouraged people to make healthier lifestyle choices. This included supporting people to eat healthily and access slimming clubs for people who wanted to lose weight. A staff member told us, “All our people have money weekly to go food shopping and we go with them.” However, the care plans and risk assessments did not reflect how staff support people to live healthier lives.

Systems and processes were in place to record people’s healthcare information. However, healthcare diary audits and not been reviewed for people since November 2023. Weekly menu plans for each person had not been completed fully. Each person had a weekly budget which they could spend on a list of food and drink items. Following the first site visit the provider increased the weekly budget. The list of food and drink items was changed to reflect healthier food options people could choose.

Monitoring and improving outcomes

Not yet scored

We did not look at Monitoring and improving outcomes during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Effective key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.

We did not look at Consent to care and treatment during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Effective key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.