- Homecare service
Delore Care East Sussex
Report from 26 April 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Shared direction and culture
- Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
- Freedom to speak up
- Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
- Governance, management and sustainability
- Partnerships and communities
- Learning, improvement and innovation
The provider had a culture that was open and responsive. The quality of the service was regularly reviewed, and any required changes made to improve the care and support people received. Staff were positive about their roles and the support they received from the management team.
This service scored 11 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
We did not look at Shared direction and culture during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Well-led key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.
Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders
We did not look at Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Well-led key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.
Freedom to speak up
We did not look at Freedom to speak up during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Well-led key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.
Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion
We did not look at Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Well-led key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.
Governance, management and sustainability
Leaders and staff were clear on their role and responsibilities. Staff told us they felt supported and valued by the management team. A staff member told us, “Managers create a space for you to bring your ideas, flow of good communication, we are growing and changing”. Another staff member told us they were, “Supported by managers. [Managers] are responsive and helpful”. Regular meetings were held with staff with the aim of sharing information and discussing best practice.
The provider had well-established governance and monitoring systems in place. The quality and safety of the service people received was routinely monitored by the field-care staff who conducted regular audits and checks. Feedback was gathered through telephone and in-person home monitoring visits, which include observing care staff's working practices.
Partnerships and communities
We did not look at Partnerships and communities during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Well-led key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.
Learning, improvement and innovation
We did not look at Learning, improvement and innovation during this assessment. There is no previous rating for the Well-led key question so we cannot yet publish a score for this area.