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  • Care home

Homescare Ltd - Peacehaven

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

344 South Coast Road, Peacehaven, BN10 7EW (01273) 583923

Provided and run by:
HomesCare Ltd

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 8 November 2024

Homescare Ltd-Peacehaven is a residential care home providing accommodation, support and personal care for up to 16 people. At the time of the on site assessment, 27 November 2024, there were 15 people living at the service. This was the first assessment of a newly registered service. Improvements were needed in some areas. For example, keeping written records of staff induction, learning from accidents and incidents, some risk assessments were missing and some inaccuracies were found with medicine records. There was no formal process for capturing staff feedback and some auditing processes had not fully embedded. The registered manager acknowledged that improvements were needed and began taking action to make the required improvements. People were supported by other professionals for example, GP’s, district nurses and occupational therapist and were supported by a caring staff team. Care was delivered in a person centred way. During our assessment we spoke with six people, five relatives, two professionals and seven staff. Staff included the registered manager, deputy manager, chef and a mixture of senior and junior carers. We looked at seven care plans and associated documents relating to risk, mental capacity and medicine management. We looked at documents relating to accidents and incidents, and quality assurance.

People's experience of the service

Updated 8 November 2024

People’s feedback about the service was largely positive. People told us they felt safe and that their needs were met by caring and understanding staff. The service was clean and well maintained and their medicines were managed correctly. There were a range of activities for people to be involved with if they chose and people said they were supported to be as independent as possible. Some people told us they had not been involved in reviews of their support needs and most were unclear about the complaints process.