- Homecare service
Tapera Healthcare Ltd
Report from 2 August 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Learning culture
- Safe systems, pathways and transitions
- Safeguarding
- Involving people to manage risks
- Safe environments
- Safe and effective staffing
- Infection prevention and control
- Medicines optimisation
There were clear systems and processes in place to record and capture learning from incidents and events. Lessons learned were identified and discussed with the staff team. People told us they felt safe with carers and the service. Policies and processes were in place to keep people safe. People's care plans contained person-centred information about risks and how to manage them and deliver care in line with people's wishes. People received their medicines safely. Staff attended training and practical sessions to ensure they could deliver care safely. Staff competencies were then observed and reviewed by the registered manager. The registered manager used an electronic care planning system to view care records in real time to support quality monitoring and safe delivery of care and support.
This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Learning culture
People told us that they were very happy with the service and have never had a reason to complain. Family members confirmed the service was able to respond quickly and effectively to short notice requests for additional support.
The service used an electronic care planning and recording system to keep accurate notes and information about care, support, accidents and incidents. The registered manager used analysis from incidents to provide feedback and develop learning opportunities in the service.
The provider had policies in place which were readily accessible to staff. There were monitoring systems in place and these ensured that lessons were learnt from incidents.
Safe systems, pathways and transitions
People told us that they received the care they wanted and that staff were good at their jobs . Staff provided care safely and were responsive to people's needs.
Risk assessments and care plans were completed for each person who received care and support. Assessments included checks about the environment and the equipment needed and available. The registered manager told us care plans were reviewed every 6 months or sooner if people's needs changed.
The provider had successfully worked with partners and had been involved in discussions with them about people's care needs. We did not receive any formal feedback from any partners about Tapera Healthcare Ltd.
The provider had processes in place to ensure safe system, pathways and transitions were maintained. This included risk assessments and care plans that identified people's care needs and how care should be delivered.
People told us they felt safe with the service. Staff provided care safely and were responsive to people's needs. People told the service they are happy with the care they receive and that any concerns were always resolved very quickly.
Policies and procedures to keep people safe were in place and accessible through the services electronic care planning and information system. This was accessible to all staff and there was information to guide staff through the process of reporting any concerns.
Appropriate systems and processes were in place to help people, family members and staff to identify and report safeguarding concerns. Where concerns had been raised they had been reported to the relevant authorities and appropriate action taken to ensure the safety of people.
Involving people to manage risks
There was effective communication and engagement with people by the service. Family members confirmed the service was able to respond quickly and effectively to short notice requests for additional support.
Care plans were completed with people in their own homes. Time was taken to get to know and understand the environment and equipment and any associated risks.
The provider had processes in place to ensure safe system, pathways and transitions were maintained. This included risk assessments and care plans that identified people's care needs and how care should be delivered.
Safe environments
People were safely supported in their own homes. The provider ensured any potential risks were assessed and reduced, including checks of equipment, where these were necessary.
The provider monitored and reduced any risks in relation to safe environments and staff were aware of safe practice.
Systems were implemented which the provider used to monitor environments to ensure they were safe. For example, the provider ensured people and staff were trained in the use of equipment.
Safe and effective staffing
Staff provided care safely and were responsive to people's needs. Family members confirmed the service was able to respond quickly and effectively to short notice requests for additional support. One person told us, "We highly recommend Tapera Healthcare."
There was an effective training programme in place for staff to ensure they had all the necessary skills to deliver care safely. Training was delivered both online and face-to-face. Practical training, such as moving and handling, was delivered face-to-face so that staff were able to practice and demonstrate their skills.
Appropriate pre-employment checks were completed for members of staff. Newly appointed members of staff received an induction into the organisation and a staff handbook with all the policies and procedures. The registered manager had a staff training matrix in place to monitor access to and completion of training courses.
Infection prevention and control
People told us they felt safe with the service. There were no concerns raised in relation to infection prevention and control or about access to personal protective equipment (PPE). Staff provided care safely and were responsive to people's needs.
Staff accessed the appropriate training around infection prevention and control. PPE was available and used by staff when delivering care and support.
The provider had policies and procedures in place regarding infection control and used systems to monitor practices. The provider’s infection prevention and control policy reflected current guidance and legal requirements.
Medicines optimisation
People received their medicines safely. There was effective communication and engagement with people by the service. People told the service they are happy with the care they receive and that any concerns were always resolved very quickly.
Staff had their competency to manage medicines checked and reviewed by the registered manager who was a registered nurse.
Information about people's medications needs was clearly recorded in their care plans. There were policies and systems in place to ensure the safe administration of medicines.