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  • Homecare service

My Homecare Cambs

Overall: Not rated read more about inspection ratings

23A London Road, Peterborough, PE2 8AN 07986 979470

Provided and run by:
My Homecare Cambs Limited

Report from 23 May 2024 assessment

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Requires improvement

Updated 17 July 2024

We identified 1 breach of the legal regulations. The provider's governance arrangements were not always established or operated effectively to ensure the quality and safety of people's care. However, feedback from people and relatives about the provider and the service was positive. The provider told us people were at the centre of the service, and ensuring their needs were met was a priority. Systems were in place to gather feedback and promote a shared direction and culture. Staff were able to raise concerns. The provider worked in partnership with external professionals to meet people's care needs.

This service scored 57 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

The provider told us one of the key values of the service was to ensure people were at the centre of it and their needs are a priority. Staff felt able to approach the provider with any concerns they had.

There were systems in place to get regular feedback from people. Regular team meetings took place and records indicated topics such as, staff conduct and raising concerns. This promoted a shared direction and culture.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

The provider told us they recognised staff achievements during team meetings by celebrating staff success and provided rewards such as shopping vouchers and certificates.

The provider had recognised the need for additional support in relation to ensuring best practice and meeting regulatory compliance. This had led them to start to work with a consultant. There was evidence of regular spot checks being carried out.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

The provider gave us an example of how they had received some feedback about staff practice and how they had managed this. This indicated staff and people had the ability to speak up and this would be appropriately managed.

The provider’s whistleblowing policy was appropriate. This supported staff having the freedom to speak up.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

We did not receive any feedback of concern from staff and leaders in relation to workforce equality, diversity and inclusion. Staff we spoke with felt well supported by managers and the provider.

The provider's policies promoted workforce equality, diversity, and inclusion. Culturally appropriate care was promoted as the provider had planned staffing to enable people to follow their religious believes and be supported by staff who can communicate in languages they spoke.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 1

The provider told us that the concerns we identified with care planning were due to risks not being identified by other individuals in their organisation. Due to this feedback and as the provider had signed people's care plans themselves, we could not be fully assured of the provider's oversight of care planning.

During our assessment, we highlighted areas for improvement for the provider, such as ensuring accurate and complete information in people's care plans and mitigating all medicines-related risks. Although the provider was responsive to our feedback and made improvements during this assessment, this was a result of our feedback. We will check for sustained improvement at our next assessment.

Partnerships and communities

Not yet scored

People and relatives had been consulted with and asked for feedback. The feedback we obtained from people and relatives about the provider and how the service was managed was positive.

As per our findings in the safe section of the report, the provider had worked in partnership with external health professionals to meet people's care needs.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

Staff told us they had received training relevant to their roles. Staff told us team meetings and supervisions took place regularly. This promoted continuous learning.

Although there had not been any incidents or accidents, there were policies to promote that learning took place if an untoward event occurred.