Updated 25 September 2024
Alexandra House is a care home that provides nursing and personal care for younger adults and people living with dementia. At the time of the assessment the service supported 29 people. The last rating for Alexandra House under the previous provider was good. This provider was registered with us on 16 February 2024, and this is their first assessment. We have identified breaches in relation to the safe care and treatment, safeguarding and governance systems. Medicines were not managed safely. Risks were not always identified, and staff did not always have guidance in place to reduce any risks to people. Risks relating to the environment had not been identified or managed. Infection prevention and control measures did not protect people from the risk of infection. Staff did not always recognise incidents as safeguarding concerns. This placed people at an increased risk of harm. We found governance systems were ineffective and had either failed to identify issues or where issues had been identified timely action was not taken. We asked the provider for an action plan in response to our concerns, the provider responded in a timely manner addressing the issues we found.