- Care home
Registration details
The location ID for Hillside is 1-18790374800. CQC register Hillside to carry out these legally regulated activities. Contact us if you think Hillside is operating services not listed here.
Type of service
- Residential homes
Service specialism
- Caring for adults over 65 yrs
- Caring for adults under 65 yrs
- Learning disabilities
Local authority
Monitored services
CQC register Hillside to carry out the following legally regulated services here:
Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
Ms Rebekah Cresswell is responsible for these services.
Mrs Jade Gregory is the registered manager for these services at this location.
Condition of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
Condition 2 - Information to be supplied
The Registered Provider will submit to the Commission, within 28 days of any new service user moving to Hillside, information regarding the service user's needs, to include:
a. A copy of the relevant assessment completed for that service user, setting out their needs with specific consideration given to the suitability of the semi-rural nature of the location;
b. A copy of the relevant minutes or notes of the best interests meeting in which it was decided that Hillside was a suitable placement for the service user or, in the event the service user has capacity to make decisions about where they live and/or the care they will receive, confirmation that the service user wishes to reside at Hillside and their consent to the move;
c. A copy of the agreed goals for the service user whilst they are at Hillside, to include aspirations for subsequent placements after Hillside.
Condition 3 – Monthly reporting
The Registered Provider to submit monthly reports to the Commission on the first Monday of each month. These must specifically address:
a. Data with regard to current safe staffing levels for the prior month, including recruitment and retention; and
b. Information to advise whether activities for service users have been impacted by any staffing issues over the prior month, to specifically include community access and whether any outings (or requests for outings) have not been able to go ahead due to sufficient availability of staff who can drive;
c. Updates on the ongoing work to manage the risk of closed cultures developing at Hillside.
Condition 4 - notifications
The Registered Provider must notify CQC within 48 hours if staffing levels fall below staffing levels agreed with commissioners as part of service users’ packages of care. The notification must include:
a. The action taken by the registered provider in response to the staffing shortfall, including any risk assessment or impact assessment conducted, and must include a risk assessment covering staffing in the event of inclement weather being the reason for the shortfall;
b. A summary of the impact on service user/s; and
c. Confirmation as to how long the staff shortage is likely to continue.
Condition 5 – Access to and from the locality
a. The Registered Provider must ensure the availability of transport for service users to access the locality on a planned and/or spontaneous basis to meet their needs, in accordance with each service user’s needs and preferences;
b. The Registered Provider must support unplanned or unannounced visits from service user's families, friends, representatives and (where applicable) their advocates (the identity of such visitors to whom this condition applies having been agreed with the Registered Provider). Such support to include the provision of transport from local train or bus stations, where those unplanned or unannounced visits are attended via public transport.
Terms of this registration relating to carrying out this regulated activity
The registered provider must not provide nursing care under accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care at Hillside.
Condition 1 - Service User numbers
The Registered Provider must only accommodate a maximum of three service users at Hillside.