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Riverside Court
Report from 23 October 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment: 30 October to 29 November 2024. This included site visits on 30 October, 8 November and 15 November 2024. We identified 3 breaches of legal regulations concerning people’s access to visitors, safe care and treatment, and good governance. By restricting visitor access at mealtimes, the service did not always support appropriate visitation for people. The service did not always safely manage people’s medicines. The service’s governance systems had failed to identify the concerns we raised during our assessment. However, people felt safe living at Riverside Court. They spoke highly of the staff. Staff were recruited safely. People’s needs were assessed and regularly reviewed. Staff understood their safeguarding responsibilities. People had access to a range of healthcare professionals. We received positive feedback from people, staff and visiting professionals about the registered manager. Immediate steps were taken by the service to rectify the concerns we identified during our assessment.
People's experience of this service
People told us they were happy living at Riverside Court. Although everyone we spoke to felt safe, some security risks were not always effectively managed to keep people safe. People weren’t always allowed visitors during mealtimes. People’s medicines weren’t always safely managed. However, people were supported to retain their independence. Staff knew people well. People trusted and spoke highly of the staff. One person said, “I can’t find fault with anything here. The staff are lovely. I would speak to [registered manager] if I was worried. I think [they] would listen.” Another person told us, “[Staff] ask me if I am OK all the time. They are always checking on me.” One relative said, “I think [person] is definitely safe here. It is a good place. If I did have any concerns then I would go to [registered manager]. I feel [registered manager] would do [their] best to resolve anything.” However, another relative told us, “It is not as we expected and there are a few issues. [Person] is lonely here. There is no-one for [person] to talk to.” We received mixed feedback about the food at Riverside Court. Some people enjoyed the food available and thought there was always enough of it. Other people told us the choices were often limited and that sometimes the food wasn’t hot. We also received mixed feedback about staffing numbers. One person told us, “I think there are enough staff and, yes, I get along with them. They are nice. I never have a problem waiting for staff if I need any help.” Another person said, "I think they could do with more staff. They are all very good, but they have a lot to deal with.” The person added, “I don't have any problems waiting or anything".