- Remote clinical advice
Livi UK
Report from 30 July 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Livi UK is an independent health online provider of GP services. It was founded in in 2018 to provide an online consultation, treatment and prescribing service to patients in the United Kingdom, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Digital Medical Supply Sweden AB. Livi UK is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide the following regulated activities: Transport services, triage and medical advice provided remotely and Treatment of disease, disorder or injury. We conducted a comprehensive assessment of the service between 14-30 August 2024. The assessment included looking at a full range of quality statements, including the five priority statements: Safeguarding, Equity in experience and outcomes, Involving people to manage risks, Safe and effective staffing and Independence, choice and control. We reviewed the quality statements across five key questions which included safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. We found the service had policies and procedures in place and demonstrated in practice that it met all of the quality statements.
People's experience of this service
As part of this assessment we reviewed feedback from patients of Livi UK. In total, we reviewed 89 service user comments. Most of the comments (81) were wholly or partly positive. Positive comments included, the speed and ease of arranging appointments, how understanding and attentive the clinicians are and the ease of getting appropriate treatment or referrals. Service users who expressed negative opinions (8 negative comments) mentioned appointments being cancelled by the service, some at short notice.