Updated 7 August 2024
Mill View Surgery is an NHS GP practice located in the rural village of Rocester, in East Staffordshire. The practice provides a dispensary service. The area has some pockets of deprivation although overall this is similar to the national average. There are low rates of unemployment when compared to national averages. The purpose-built premise is two storeys and has a lift and two staircases. There are 5 consulting treatment rooms on the ground floor with a reception office and patient waiting area. On the upper floor there is a meeting room, practice manager’s office and an additional consulting room used for administration. At the time of our assessment 2,130 patients were registered with the practice. We conducted this assessment due to CQC receiving information of concern, in addition to a change of registered provider. We completed a focused assessment based on 15 quality statements across key questions: safe, effective and a well-led key question.