- GP practice
Brierley Park Medical Group
Report from 28 October 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of Assessment: 4 to 10 December 2024. The practice was assessed because it had not been inspected since 2015. Brierley Park Medical Group is a GP practice and delivers services to 18,569 patients under a contract held with NHS England. There is a main practice in Huthwaite and a branch practice in Skegby which the provider recently took over in July 2023. The National General Practice Profiles for the Huthwaite practice states that the ethnic make-up of the practice area is 96% white, 1.3% mixed, 1.5% Asian, 0.8% black and other 0.4%. The age distribution of the practice population closely mirrors the local and national averages. Information published by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities shows that deprivation within the practice population group is in the 4th decile (4 of 10). The lower the decile, the more deprived the practice population is relative to others. This assessment considered the demographics of the people using the service, the context the service was working within and how this impacted service delivery. Where relevant, further commentary is provided in the quality statements section of this report. The service did not always ensure medicines and treatments were safe or met people’s needs; it did not always assess and control potential environmental risks; staff recruitment and immunisation status was not always documented in line with national guidance; systems to identify people with previously undiagnosed conditions were not fully embedded into practice. However, there was a good learning culture within the practice; staff worked with other agencies for the best outcomes for people; people were treated with kindness and compassion and involved in decisions about their care; there was a culture of continuous improvement. We found breaches of regulation in relation to safe care and treatment and fit and proper persons employed. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found at this assessment.
People's experience of this service
People were positive about the quality of their care and treatment. Recent survey results, including those from the National GP Patient Survey, showed people were satisfied with services. There was a very active patient participation group (PPG) who represented the views of people using the service. Representatives from the PPG described how managers made positive changes because of feedback. For example, setting up a menopause clinic, updating the telephone system to support call back, providing online consultations through their website and an increase in the availability of pre-bookable appointments online.