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  • Care home

Netley Court

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Victoria Road, Netley, Southampton, Hampshire, SO31 5DR (023) 8045 0320

Provided and run by:
Hartwood Care (3) Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 13 August 2024

Date of assessment 29 August to 05th September 2024 Netley Court is a residential care home providing personal care and accommodation. The home can accommodate up to 70 people. At the time of our assessment 58 people were living at the service. We undertook this responsive assessment following information of concern we received about this service. We assessed a total of 2 quality statements in the safe key question and have combined the scores for these areas with scores from the last inspection. At this assessment we found the provider was in breach of 1 regulation as they had failed to meet their legal requirements for safe medicines management. We found shortfalls in staff’s medicines and competency training and examples where records were not always detailed. Staff told us that staffing numbers were sometimes challenging and at times they felt overstretched to provide responsive care. Although staff felt able to meet people’s needs, staff told us staff deployment and staff absence could impact on their ability to manage care tasks in a timely way. The provider had processes in place and used a dependency tool to support them to identify required staffing levels and we reviewed records which confirmed staffing levels were provided in-line with these. During the assessment we received assurances from the leadership team that they were taking steps to address the shortfalls we identified. Where we identified a breach of regulation, we have asked the provider for an action plan in response to the concerns found at this assessment.

People's experience of the service

Updated 13 August 2024

We received mixed feedback from people about their experience of the care provided. Some people told us they were able to seek staff support timely and felt there were enough staff available, however others had a less positive experience. We received some feedback from people that indicated shortfalls in staffing and deployment and made observations that indicated some people could experience a delay in their routines or responsiveness to call bells. As a result of our feedback, leaders of the service told us they had reviewed the staffing and deployment across the home and gave assurances they had taken steps to improve this. Aside of staffing levels, people consistently spoke highly of the staff that supported them and felt staff were knowledgeable and skilled to support their needs.