- Dentist
Mydentist - High Street - Stone
All Inspections
11 April 2013
During a routine inspection
People told us that they were involved in discussions about their treatment and the options of care were explained to them. People were overwhelmingly positive about the treatment they received with some people telling us they would recommend the practice to other people. One person said, "I have total confidence in my dentist".
We saw that all consultations were recorded in patient files. Information was sought about people's health needs and these were recorded and taken into account when treatment was provided.
People said that the practice was clean and that the dental staff wore protective equipment. The practice had appropriate systems in place to ensure that equipment and instruments were thoroughly cleaned, decontaminated and sterilised between treatments.
Staff received the training and support to provide people with the care they needed. They were supervised and had an annual appraisal to identify future training and development needs.
Systems were in place to review and monitor the quality of the service provided to people. Complaints raised by patients were acted upon.