Our current view of the service
15 January 2025
Casterbridge Manor is a residential care home providing personal and nursing care to up to 64 older people. The home is in a rural setting on the outskirts of Cerne Abbas in Dorset.
At the time of this assessment, the home was supporting 53 people, including people living with dementia.
The assessment included a visit to the service on the 5 February 2025. We conducted this inspection to review the action taken by the service following their previous inspection. During this assessment we inspected quality statements under the key questions of safe and well-led. We found the service had made improvements and the provider was no longer in breach of regulations. The rating has changed from requires improvement in 20 December 2022 to good.
The management of the home and provider had created a culture where people and their relatives were listened to, incidents were investigated, and lessons were learnt to identify and embed good practice. Adverse events were reviewed and actioned by the management team, for example, safety checks undertaken by staff, were audited and checked by the management team. This enabled the management team to make continuous improvements.
People's experience of the service
15 January 2025
People told us they enjoyed living at Casterbridge Manor and felt safe with the staff. A relative told us; “What they do here goes way beyond your expectations of a care home, it has a good reputation locally nowadays”.
People had choice in their care and were encouraged to maintain relationships with family and friends. Relatives told us they were welcomed to the home whenever they visited and that their loved one was well cared for.
Results from surveys found overwhelming satisfaction with the care and support people received at Casterbridge Manor. The service had received compliments from relatives, one stated ‘very satisfied and always informed regarding my parents care.’ A relative told us “The care has been good, really good, fabulous really.” Another relative said “They are the real heart , take such good care of the family.”
Relatives described the staff and management team as being ‘always welcoming, caring and approachable. People and relatives told us they could raise their views that would be acknowledged and actioned. People described staff as being; ‘kind, friendly, caring’ and treated them as individuals and enabled people to do the things that mattered to them. Staff described the management team as; “Solve matters, listen, include and very helpful.”