Updated 10 February 2025
West Cliff Hall is registered to provide accommodation for people who require nursing or personal care, this includes supporting people living with dementia. The service can accommodate up to 59 people. At the time of our inspection 53 people were living at the service. The inspection took place between 14 February and 20 February 2025. This inspection consisted of all quality statements under the key questions of safe and well led. We visited the service on 15 February and 16 February 2025. This inspection was prompted by concerns about staffing shortages and an increase in events reported by the provider to the local authority and CQC. However, following this inspection we were assured by the arrangements in place to keep people safe. During our inspection we found the service had made improvements and the provider was no longer in breach of regulations. The rating has changed from requires improvement (published January 2021) to good. The registered manager and home manager ensured incidents were investigated, and lessons were learnt to identify and embed good practice. Adverse events were reviewed, and any identified actions were completed by the management team. Reviews were then audited and checked by the provider. These robust systems enabled the management team to make continuous improvements.