Updated 18 July 2024
Date of assessment: 28 February to 21 March 2024. Liberty House Clinic Limited is a residential substance misuse service provided by UK Addiction Treatment Centres (UKAT). Liberty House Clinic Limited is registered to provide residential alcohol and drug detoxification and/or rehabilitation to adults over 18 years of age. At the time of assessment, the service could accommodate 20 service users over 3 floors. We conducted our onsite assessment on 28 February 2024. We assessed a small number of quality statements from safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led key questions and found areas of good practice and areas of concern. The scores for these areas have been combined with scores based on the key question ratings from the last inspection. Though the assessment of these five quality statements indicated some areas of concern since the last inspection, our overall rating is good. We found one breach of regulations relating to medicines. We have asked the provider for an action plan in response to our concerns. The service had incident reporting processes, staff received the relevant training for their role. Staff delivered treatment following national guidance. Staff were kind and caring. People could access the service when they needed it and were encouraged to give feedback on the service. Leaders had good oversight of service performance. However, medicines were not well managed, staff did not always follow safeguarding procedures, the environment did not meet people's needs, risk assessments and care plans did not always identify people's individual risks or needs, learning from incidents was not always robust, and governance processes did not always provide good oversight of the service.