- Homecare service
Bluebird Care (Stockport)
Report from 11 June 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment 19 August 2024 to 9 September 2024. We assessed 20 quality statements and found some shortfalls in the standard of care. This assessment was prompted following a number of concerns being raised in the following areas: staff being sent to support people with no signed contracts in place; lack of staff training in medicines; no registered manager; no oversight from the provider, no supervision for staff and staff with a sponsorship visa being neglected; concerns regarding people’s medicines; concerns regarding leadership. Bluebird Homecare (Stockport) is a domiciliary care service, registered with CQC in June 2011, providing personal care and support in the community to adults who predominantly live in the Stockport area. At the time of this assessment 74 people received personal care. Staff knew how to keep people safe, however, there were gaps in staff training. Risk assessments were not always in place for people who were 'new' to the location; records did not clearly demonstrate assessments had taken place prior to the commencement of care. People's communication needs had not always been assessed. Records in staff files were not suitably maintained and staff recruitment processes were not robust. Staff did not always receive regular supervision. There was a lack of provider oversight and no evidence of staff meetings taking place. There was no evidence of quality assurance checks and monitoring of the care provided being undertaken. Care plans were not always person-centred. It was unclear how the provider was learning from any shortfalls identified in the care provided. There were enough staff employed, however, some staff support calls did not take place at the pre-agreed time. People received their medicines as prescribed. Care records did not always clearly identify how people had been involved in identifying their care needs. Staff were positive about supporting people, and knew people well, treating them as individuals.
People's experience of this service
People told us they felt safe and there were enough staff to meet their needs, however, people and relatives told us staff did not always turn up at the agreed time, and there was no communication with them to indicate this. People and relatives were concerned most staff training was provided on-line and were particularly concerned about staffs’ knowledge when supporting people living with dementia. People received their medicines as prescribed. Most people told us they were involved in the assessment of their needs; however care records did not clearly identify this. Most people told us the care provided enabled them to lead a life of their own choice. People felt staff treated them in a dignified and respectful way and told us staff were kind and caring. People felt staff understood their needs and preferences. Information was not always presented to people in a format peoplecould understand. Most people knew how to give feedback about their experience of the care provided, however, there was evidence when people and relatives had raised concerns, staff had not followed up on these and provided feedback.