When we visited Craegmoor Supporting you in Luton on 29 January 2013 we spoke with nine of the sixteen people who use the service, two relatives and seven members of staff. People told us that they were happy with the care and support they received. They told us they felt safe and the staff were friendly and supportive. One person said, 'The staff are always polite and pleasant to me.'We observed that people were offered support at a level which encouraged independence and assured their individual needs were met. Staff were friendly and courteous in their approach to people and interacted confidently with them. One person told us 'Staff are understanding of my condition.' Another person said 'I am happy with the service, everything is working well.' One relative told us, 'Communication and involvement is excellent" and another relative said 'I am very happy with the care my relative gets.'
Within the care files we saw that people had been involved with, and agreed with the particular care needs that had been identified and how those needs would be met.
The recruitment process was robust and all files we looked at contained the necessary employment checks.
There were systems in place to assess and monitor the quality of service that people received and to enable people to express their views about the service.