• Care Home
  • Care home

Oak Farm

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

276 Fakenham Road, Taverham, Norwich, Norfolk, NR8 6AD (01603) 868953

Provided and run by:
Oak Farm (Taverham) Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 8 April 2024

Date of assessment: 9 July 2024 to 29 July 2024. Oak Farm is a care home providing accommodation and personal and nursing care to people with acquired brain and spinal injuries. Some people are permanent residents and others stay at Oak Farm for a period of rehabilitation. We carried out this assessment following the receipt of some information alleging poor pressure care and concerns about staffing. We undertook 3 unannounced onsite visits, one of which was in the evening. We received feedback from five health and social care professionals who work closely with the service and from the local authority quality monitoring team. Feedback was mostly positive but two professionals gave very negative feedback expressing concerns about a regimented culture which did not always enable people to develop and fulfill their potential. We found some evidence to support this but also evidence of some very good practice. The service, which supported 28 people at the time of our assessment, was rated Good overall at our last inspection, which was carried out under our previous methodology. The rating has reduced to Requires Improvement. We found a mixture of both good and poor practice during this assessment and identified 2 breaches of regulation relating to safe medicines management and safeguarding which placed people at potential risk of harm.

People's experience of the service

Updated 8 April 2024

We spoke with 9 people who used the service and an expert by experience carried out phone calls to receive feedback from 7 people’s relatives. An expert by experience is someone who has experience of using this kind of service, either themselves or their family member. Feedback from people who used the service was mixed. All praised the care they received to support their physical health. However, while some people praised their care and support others were unhappy with the lack of activities and what was felt to be a regimented culture which did not fully support their independence. Feedback from relatives was positive and appreciative of the care and attention given by the staff.