Updated 8 January 2025
Date of Assessment: 13 January to 24 January 2025. This service is a domiciliary care service, registered to provide personal care for people living in their own homes in the community. They provide support to people with a range of different needs including older people and people with a learning disability and/or autistic people. At the time of the assessment the service was providing the regulated activity of personal care to 65 people. The provider was in the early stages of implementing a new electronic call monitoring and care recording system, as well as making changes to the existing management structure. This assessment was prompted in part by receipt of information relating to incidents which occurred at the service as well as the length of time since we last inspected. The information shared with CQC indicated potential concerns about the standard of care. This assessment examined those risks. We found that although action had been taken to address the issues raised, we found concerns around the management and oversight of risk. Care records on the new system were not yet clear or robust in identifying support needs or mitigating risk and monitoring systems did not provide adequate oversight of the service. This meant some aspects of the service were not always safe and there was an increased risk people could be harmed. We assessed the service against ‘Right support, right care, right culture’ guidance to make judgements about whether the provider guaranteed people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choices, independence and good access to local communities that most people take for granted. We rated this service under our previous methodology in April 2019 where it was rated as good overall. At this assessment we rated the provider overall requires improvement. We found breaches of regulations in safe care and treatment and good governance. The provider submitted an action plan in response to our concerns.