Our current view of the service
9 September 2024
The assessment took place between 13 November and 10 December 2024. We undertook this assessment following information received about the quality of care provided.
We found two breaches of the legal regulations in relation to safe care and treatment and good governance.
The provider had not made enough improvements, since our last inspection, to their governance systems and oversight to demonstrate safety was effectively managed.
We found new concerns in the safety of the environment, managing people’s safety and risks, staffing and medicines management.
However, systems in place to minimise the risk of spreading infection were effective.
In instances where CQC have decided to take civil or criminal enforcement action against a provider, we will publish this information on our website after any representations and/ or appeals have been concluded.
People's experience of the service
9 September 2024
People did not always feel safe or that their risks were well managed or know who to report concerns to. People did not always feel there was enough suitably trained staff. People did not always feel medicines were managed safely. People did not always feel involved in their care planning and reviews of their care. People did not always feel the staff team worked together well. People did not always feel they were supported to live healthier lives. People did not always feel they received good care, were treated with compassion and dignity or as individuals. People did not always feel they received person-centred care or had much choice, independence and control. People did not always feel their immediate needs were responded to in a timely way. People did not always feel listened to or involved in improving the service. People, however, did feel the care home was clean.