• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: dentalcare@nailsea

116 Station Road, Nailsea, Bristol, BS48 1TB

Provided and run by:
Mr Jacobus Lodewikus Rautenbach

Important: The provider of this service changed - see old profile

All Inspections

24 July 2014

During a routine inspection

The purpose of this inspection was to find out answers to five key questions. Is the practice safe? Is the practice effective? Is the practice caring? Is the practice responsive? Is the practice well led?

Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection when we sought information about people's experience and gained views from patients, the staff who supported them and from looking at records.

Is the practice safe?

There was enough staff to meet the needs of patients. Checks were made to ensure that anyone appointed to work in the practice were suitable.

There were medicines and equipment available for use in an emergency. These were checked regularly to ensure they were safe to use. Radiographs (x-rays) were graded when they were taken and only repeated when they were unsatisfactory. This meant that patients had the least amount of exposure to radiation.

Is the practice effective?

There were suitable arrangements in place to ensure that patients were cared for by staff who were supported by the provider and practice manager. Staff maintained the requirements for continuing professional development as required by the General Dental Council.

Is the practice caring?

Care and treatment was planned and delivered according to an assessment of the patient's needs. Patients told us they felt the practice was caring and that this was demonstrated throughout their treatment.

Is the practice responsive?

Before any treatment was provided patients were asked to give consent. When verbal consent was obtained the dentist recorded this in the patient's records. If they gave written consent it was scanned into their record. If people were unable to give consent, this was obtained from a relative or carer.

A patient told us they felt the out of hours arrangements were good and another patient said they had been able to get an emergency appointment shortly after they telephoned the practice.

Is the practice well led?

The practice manager was newly appointed but was qualified and had extensive experience of practice management. They carried out staff appraisals with the provider and arranged suitable training.

29 November 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with patients that were visiting the practice on the day of our visit. People told us that they were happy with the service they received and we heard a number of positive comments, including 'I have never had (my treatment) explained so well', and "I knew from the outset what the costs would be'. We saw evidence in patient notes that their opinions were sought and given information to make sure they were fully informed of what was involved in their treatment.

Staff had received training to help them carry out their roles, and this included safeguarding children and vulnerable adults. Staff were trained in first aid and emergency medication was available.

The arrangements in place for decontamination and sterilisation of dental instruments met with the requirements of the Health Technical Memorandum 01-05. This is the guidance that all dentists are required to follow to ensure that their practice is safe and minimises the risks of cross infection.